Recovery plan, Renzi: “Ready to take Conte down if he doesn’t back down” | The premier: “I go forward with the confidence of all the majority”


Conte, Renzi continues, “goes in the opposite direction on the highway”, but “if he regains clarity and slows down in this absurd measure, we are ready to think about the question.” In the telephone interview released by the leader of IV it is said that Conte was confirmed prime minister “after we carried out an operation in Parliament against Salvini a year and a half ago.”

The PD privately agrees with me – The prime minister, Renzi adds, has worked against the pandemic, “and in some things he did better than in others, but it cannot be accepted that in the name of the emergency, 10 months after its onset, he assumed all the powers of the government. “. State to spend these 200 billion. We removed Salvini for this. “When asked if he thinks he has the support of at least part of the Democratic Party and the opposition in this, Renzi responds:” Many of those who distance themselves from me in public, privately acknowledge that our Reviews are fair and authentic. So I hope Conte stops. ”

“In case of crisis, most would be found” – “The compass for the President of the Republic is the Constitution. And the Constitution says that it is verified if there is a majority in Parliament. I hope it does not go that far but if it does, I am betting on the presence of a large parliamentary majority. . I think we will vote for policies in 2023. “Matteo Renzi said again in an interview with the newspaper Il Messaggero in which he assured:” I do not work because of the government crisis, I work to avoid the crisis in the country. “” There are two hundred thousand millions of euros that belong to our children, that we borrow by increasing the public debt and that are used for the future of Italy. I do not accept that anyone wants to spend them secretly, without going through Parliament. And I do not accept that someone can fire the government with working groups and substitute powers, ”reiterates Renzi.

Conte: “I will carry on if with the confidence of all the majority” – “I have full responsibility and awareness of this position, and I am fully aware that I will continue with the confidence of all the majority forces and all the forces as a whole.” This is the response of Prime Minister Conte, who added that “there are very critical instances, it is necessary to understand what they hide, what objectives. We will do it by meeting with the delegations of the forces of the single majority. We need transparency.” The prime minister later added that “yesterday Senator Salvini sent me a message, he asked me for availability, I told him, as on other occasions, that the table for confronting the government with the opposition always remains open.

Zingaretti: nobody should ask for a setback – No one should ask anyone to back down. On the recovery, Minister Amendola confirmed today that after the approval of the text, a discussion phase opens in which everyone is invited to contribute to enrich and improve the proposal. This is the right spirit to have: commit to making what the government has achieved in Europe a reality. This is the meaning of the decisions we made together on November 5 at the summit at Palazzo Chigi,
the opposite of speaking of crisis, also in the middle of the European Council, but the option of facing open problems. This is Nicola Zingaretti’s response to the attack on the government launched by Renzi.

Bettini (Pd): “Conte, listen to everyone, if the crisis at the polls is inevitable” – “If the current executive imploded, for internal reasons and not for the opposition, in my opinion it would be impossible to continue the legislature with other solutions. No one could raise credible hypotheses. At that moment I believe that the ballot box is inevitable. And everyone will have to answer. for his part of responsibility in having led the country, in such a delicate moment, to the adventure of new elections. ”Saying so is the exponent of the Democratic Party Goffredo Bettini, in an interview with Corriere della Sera in which he invites Prime Minister Giuseppe Count to “listen to everyone.” For Bettini it is necessary to understand that “without Italia Viva the government would no longer have numbers to move forward. So, with patience, we must compose ourselves by listening to everyone. And, on the other hand, we have to raise issues constructively. “

Bonafede: “Disrespectful threat of crisis for the current Council of the EU” – “It is irresponsible to attack the government of which you are a part, also from a foreign newspaper, even threatening a crisis while the Council of the EU is still ongoing and Italy is stating its reasons. This means deliberately weakening Italy at the international level. Not only is it not acceptable but it is disrespectful to all Italians. ” This was stated by the head of the M5S delegation, Alfonso Bonafede.
