The head of the Renzian delegation: “In a few days our document.” Palazzo Chigi: “Monday the summary, then the tables”
Bellanova: missing task force, is a step forward – “Finally Conte has recognized that IV’s proposals are absolutely positive and the working group on the text” of the recovery that “they sent us last night is gone. It is a step forward.” This is what the head of delegation of Iv Teresa Bellanova says after the summit with Conte at Palazzo Chigi.
“In a few days our document, then synthesis” – “We reserve a few days to present a more detailed document” on the Recovery Plan and then proceed “to a synthesis” in the government and in the majority. This was stated by the head of the delegation to the government of Italia Viva, Teresa Bellanova, speaking at the end of the meeting with Giuseppe Conte in Paalzzo Chigi, during which the prime minister allegedly “pointed out” that Italia Viva’s proposals “are positive” .
“The government is calm if it solves the problems” – “The government is calm if it solves the problems, if it is not useless,” added Teresa Bellanova, leaving Palazzo Chigi. “If it is still 9 billion in health, why not reflect on the possibility of launching the 36 billion of the Month that have even less conditionality than Recovery?”.