Matteo renzi now you want to discuss the Recovery plan me task force, on the contrary Alive italy will vote against the Budget Law. After the threats and warnings, the former prime minister intervened in front of the Senate and openly revealed the blackmail of the government. “It’s time to say things to our faces“, He began by addressing Giuseppe Conte. “To play fair and transparent, we say: if there is a provision that keeps inside the governance of Next Generation Eu, we vote against. We are ready to discuss, but not to use the maneuver as a vehicle for what we read in the newspapers, including services. If there is a rule that puts governance with services, we vote no ”. It is no longer just a threat, but a real blackmail which was enthusiastically welcomed by the center-right seats: “I salute Renzi who uses the words of the opposition, he has also won the applause from this side,” said the Fdi senator Isabella Rauti intervening immediately afterwards. Even Renzi, at the end of his speech, the leader of the Northern League approached Matteo salvini. But not only that: also from the front Pd (Luigi zanda at the head) came the support. And dem parent company Andrea MarcucciIn his speech, he did not hide his discontent: “I would like a CDM soon.”
To Renzi, who had opened the speech recalling the support for the reform of the Month, now not only the workgroup is not good designed for recovery plan management, but not even the financing division as required by the Prime Minister’s draft. In short, for Renzi everything must be reviewed because, according to his accusation, Italia viva would never have been consulted in the drafting of the document. “We will not change our yes to governance proposal with a folding seat, ”he began. “The working group cannot replace Parliament: where are the unions?” But the problem for the senator is not limited to method: “The problem is also worthwhile. “How do you donate 9 billion to healthcare?. I went to the government 7 billion for health care and there was talk of cuts, for me it takes double, triple. I say a number: 36, those of the Month.. “. The reference is to the first division of funds, as it appears in the draft of the Recovery plan and, again, Renzi insists on the need to resort to the Month.
But Renzi went even further, evoking the concrete hypothesis that his ministers are willing to withdraw from the government, which in fact leads to a government crisis. “If your associates call the newspapers to say we want an extra seat, know that if you need some chairs there are three, two as minister and one as undersecretary, we are at your disposal. If instead you want to think seriously, explain that this is not a talk show, it is not Big Brother, but politics ”. The government’s withdrawal from Italian forces alive is a threat that stakeholders have already made in the morning: both the Minister of Agriculture Teresa Bellanova than that of the Family Elena Bonetti They said they are ready to leave their office if the proposals from Italy alive are not taken into consideration.
However, Renzi’s was not the only intervention critical of the government from the majority seats, a sign that discontent is not lacking. “I expected a Council of Ministers tonight, I would like a CDM soon It does not end until there is an agreement with Parliament ”, said the leader of the group Pd. Andrea Marcucci. “Then he comes up with a proposal and we will have the strength and determination to verify it thoroughly, with any changes if necessary. I hope that my president and the government will send us a proposal soon because I believe in Parliament, I know the government will send a proposal and we will have the opportunity to look at it, analyze it and eventually modify it ”. And he reiterated: “In this you must put all your effort, constant participation in the governance dialogue as well as on the plane “and concluding:” But I don’t think there is this desire on the part of the government.