Recovery of learning, Ministry specifies: there will be. And about the payment of teachers: already in school for ordinary activities.


“There will be recovery of learning”, specifies the Ministry, in relation to “press titles that suggest otherwise, also with reference to the issue of teacher payment”

“It will start at the beginning of September (in some cases with assistance, in others, for the second grade, remotely, depending on the autonomous choice of the individual schools) – continues the Ministry – and will continue also during the coming months, as planned the norms that govern the new school year, which are the result of the management of the health emergency period that the country is experiencing. Therefore, there is no alarm. “

Teacher salary

“On this last point, the Ministry – he writes in the press release – has only recalled, citing current legislation, that courses can start from September 1 to 14 because the teachers are already in school for ordinary activities.

The explanatory note sent to the institutes also reminds us that the recovery of learning is not “a mere formal accomplishment”, but arises from the “need to guarantee any realignment of learning” given the particular school year that our children lived from March to June. . “The effort made in the last school year was considerable and in many respects exemplary of how cohesive educational communities gave a prompt response to the need to guarantee, although in a dramatic situation, the right to education,” the note always recalls. , “It is time to recover what has inevitably been lost” “

“Feeding the narrative of the refusal of teachers to carry out certain activities or even to report to work as is happening these days – concludes the Ministry – only damages the image of the category and disturbs the peaceful start of the school year already characterized by numerous news for the health emergency. “

The operational indications on PIA and PAI issued with a note of August 27, 2020

However, trade union communications must be recorded on teacher remuneration.
