Three hundred. Like the Spartans of King Leonidas who fought the Persians at Thermopylae. But apart from their number, for the moment, of experts and officials who should ensure that Italy spends the 209 billion European aid from the Recovery Fund on time, little is known. “For now”, explains a source who works on the dossier, “a political agreement has been reached, the government has given itself another ten days to prepare the amendment that will be approved with the maneuver,” and today it will be held at Palazzo Chigii a new meeting of Conte with the heads of delegation. What is given with certainty is the “pyramidal structure” that the Recovery implementation phase must manage.
At the top there will be a “political control room”, made up of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri, and Economic Development Minister Stefano Patuanelli. This stand must be coordinated in some way with the CIAE, the Interministerial Commission for European Affairs coordinated by Minister Vincenzo Amendola and of which, in addition to Conte and Gualtieri, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio also belongs. The real novelty is what is found downstream of the control room and the CIAE, that is, six commissioners-managers, one for each of the investment clusters indicated by the government for the Recovery Fund: digitization and competitiveness of the productive system; green revolution and ecological transition; mobility infrastructure; education, training and research; social, gender and territorial equity; Health. The idea of appointing some kind of super commissioner (who could also take on the role of undersecretary) to coordinate the six managers would not have faded away.
Under the six commissioners, there would be a structure of 300 officials. In part, they should come directly from the various ministries involved in investment programs and, in part, they should be external experts with forward contracts. It is not clear if this structure will be born as an evolution of Investitalia, the body born in Palazzo Chigi by the will of Conte to accelerate public investments and entrusted to the management of the Danish manager of the EIB (European Investment Bank) Lars Anwardter. The truth is that the cash will remain firmly in the hands of the Ministry of Economy. There will be a new director appointed by the Mef, who will have the task of supervising the use of funds and respect for project schedules. It was one of the conditions set by Gualtieri to insert an advance of 120 billion in three years to be recovered with European resources.
The intricate construction was also designed with the goal of rebalancing the weights of the majority to avoid repeated “reorganization” of the government. In other words, in the words of Carlo Calenda, “others are thought to do the job of ministers” instead of replacing “those in government who cannot manage European funds.” Doubts also on the part of the minister dem Lorenzo Guerini, who invites government colleagues to “consider each proposal.” But if apart from the Democratic Party the solution does not matter to him, against “the pyramid”, Italia Viva opposes Renziano Ettore Rosato who speaks of “commissioner of ministers”. The game is far from over and in the parties, even in the opposition, there are doubts about who will be the six directors, destined to constitute the executive committee, and to manage a mountain of billions also endowed with powers in derogation of current regulations . Given the controversy, it is not certain that the number of six cannot rise and that the regulations do not leave the last word to the competent ministry, however, complicating governance.
The accusation against the prime minister of wanting to manage the EU Next Generation party exclusively by dismissing the parties falls into the pyramid scheme, but by virtue of the special powers that the commissioners will have to be excluded, they are now the ministers who, however, perhaps , to avoid reorganization, they seem, for now, ready to hand over powers and competencies.
Last updated: 06:10