On the indiscretions that Iv accuses of opposing after the prime minister’s “no” to the reorganization, the leader of Italia Viva responds: “If you need seats, you have three at your disposal.” And salvini congratulates
“I would like to take advantage of this debate to use words of truth and transparency, such as those that we say to ourselves in private or majority meetings, even here in Parliament. We have to tell each other, now or never,” thundered the leader of Italia Viva.
“The government cannot be replaced by a working group. Parliament cannot be replaced by a direct Facebook,” Piccato says. On the draft of the Italian Plan, Renzi underlines: “How do you give 9 billion to Health? I put 7 billion in the government and there was talk of cuts, for me they need double, triple.”
The speech was applauded by the League and some dem Matteo Salvini congratulating, Luigi Zanda applauding. Matteo Renzi’s harsh intervention towards Giuseppe Conte has gained cross acceptance. A standing ovation rose from the benches of the Lega. Several applause also from the banks of Pd.