Recovery: draft; taxes on average income, 40-60 thousand euros – Economy


According to the draft Recovery plan reviewed by Ansa, the resources amount to 196 billion – text for which there is still no approval of the CDM – the government will propose the six macro-areas of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. 48.7 billion will be allocated to digitization and innovation, 74.3 billion to the area of ​​”green revolution and ecological transition” and 27.7 billion to the infrastructure sector for sustainable mobility. The chapter on “education and research” can have 19.2 billion, the gender equality with 17.100 million, according to the draft. Finally, the health area will have 9 billion.

It is 125 pages long and the draft the government is working on is divided into four parts. The text describes the objectives, reforms and investments, implementation and monitoring of the plan and the evaluation of the economic impact. The reforms and investments point to “a ‘green, smart and healthy’ transition. And they refer to: justice reform; digitization, innovation, competitiveness and culture; green revolution and ecological transition; infrastructure for sustainable mobility; education and research, gender equality, social and territorial cohesion, and health.

For the tax reform It is believed that now it is necessary to concentrate the available resources to reduce the tax burden on average incomes as a priority ”after intervening on workers with an income of up to 40 thousand euros: “Now we have to intervene in favor of workers (both salaried and self-employed) with an average income, or approximately between 40 and 60 thousand euros, because this is the band that today suffers excessive levels of taxation with respect to the income obtained”. write on the draft. of the update of the Recovery Plan, which explains that “the PNRR also initiates a general fiscal review.”

“To get out of this crisis and bring Italy to the frontier of European and world development, a clear, shared and courageous project is needed for the future of the country, which will allow Italy to restart eliminating the obstacles that held it back during” The last twenty years . What country would we want in ten years? This is the question on which the Government has reflected. Behind the Italian delay are known structural problems, but never addressed with sufficient determination. “It counts on the premise

A “Committee of social responsibility, made up of representatives of the productive categories, the university system and research” to follow the implementation and give “opinions and suggestions”. The draft outlines a governance with a political control room, a technical structure with heads of mission and, in fact, this social committee. “The members of the committee are chosen from among personalities of high institutional and scientific profile and recognized independence” and will be able to “advise” on “specific issues” and “collaboratively report” any profile that is considered relevant for the implementation of the PNRR “

“Thanks to the expansionary effects of the Plan, at the end of the investment period (2026) the GDP would be 2.3 percentage points higher than the base scenario”, is written in the draft of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, in the part where which is considered the “high” scenario, which is the benchmark for the government.

The boost to GDP would be 0.3% in 2021, growing in the following years: 0.5% in 2022, 1.3% in 2023, 1.7% in 2024, 2% in 2025 “. It is evident, it is explained – how crucial it is for the prospects of economic expansion and for the sustainability of the public debt to select public investment projects with high impact on growth and to increase the efficiency of the public administrations responsible for the implementation of these projects ”.
