Recovery, Di Maio: the train does not return, we work together – Politics


“What Europe makes available are enormous resources. The Recovery Fund is worth more than the Marshall Plan. We must do it quickly, but also well. It is a train that will never return. A unique opportunity to modernize our country ”. Chancellor Luigi Di Maio said this at a House hearing on the Recovery Fund. “We want to seize this opportunity – he stressed – by working together, with Parliament, the majority and the opposition, and with social forces.”

On the part of the government there is the “maximum commitment” to make the best use of the recovery fund, “I can assure you that this is what we have been doing for months”: said the foreign minister. “We are entering the phase of streamlining proposals” on how to use it, Di Maio added, stressing the need to “strategically focus” resources “and address the structural problems that have slowed growth.”