Recovery, Conte involves the majority and Parliament: “No to delays, justice reform will be one of the pillars.” And a first reassuring signal comes from living Italy: “Positive, something has changed”


Go fast in the Recovery plan why “we can’t afford delaysAnd bring the confrontation with the majority and above all return to the center the Parlament. And, among other things, the guarantee that there will be among the main interventions justice reform, because in that “we bet on credibility as a country”. Giuseppe ConteAfter a week of threats from the Renzianos in the seal of the government, he chose to insist on the route of consultations: he reconvened the majority forces and assured that all will be guaranteed extensive involvement in the drafting of the project. Without forgetting the Chambers, which will have the last word. “We have to take advantage of these vacations to work,” he said, “to try to do all the discussions and arrive at the CDM before the end of the year, between December 26 and 31“.

A strategy that, for the first time after almost two weeks of blackmail and daily attacks, has drawn relaxing phrases from the Renzianos: “Yesterday something changed,” he said. Ettore Rosato to RaiNews24 underlining the request for greater “collegiality”. And in this sense, the fact that Conte has called these meetings, he added, “is a positive development.” Only Rosato, not even 24 hours before, had uttered sentences completely opposite to the one he uttered yesterday when he even went so far as to say that in the absence of a defined path, “the experience of the government for Italy alive is over.” Today, however, he completely changed his tone and acknowledged that the prime minister “has partly taken up some of the issues we had raised, saying that a serious discussion with municipalities, regions and the opposition“An abrupt change of position, if you think about it this morning. Matteo renzi, in a background reported by La Stampa, he presumed to have put everyone “in the corner”, without missing the possibility of mediation.

After the majority verification last week, which in fact the Renzianos have suspended until a later date, Conte has reconvened today the forces that support the government to talk about the division of European funds. The new series of meetings does not foresee the presence of political leaders but rather the government teams of the individual forces, accompanied by group leaders and those who, in recent weeks, have worked on the file. The first to be received was the M5 delegation. On that occasion, Minister Alfonso Bonafede announced that he had asked “that a working group be set up to work on the plan before the arrival of the CDM. A group that includes representatives of the majority forces ”. Then, at 19 it was the turn of the P.S. In the middle, the prime minister was absent for an informal greeting ceremony in Colle with Mattarella and the top state officials: a meeting in which it is not ruled out that the head of state expressed his wish that the majority forces work as hard as possible. possible. possible in a spirit of understanding. Meanwhile, the new face to face with the Renzianos is scheduled for tomorrow, December 22 at 11. While at 13 it will be the turn of Leu.

The meeting with the 5 stars: “We bet credibility on the reform of justice” – “Today nothing is closed, today an interlocution begins”, the prime minister began speaking with the 5 stars, but “the interlocution must proceed in a constant and tight manner because it is in the interest of all and in particular of the entire national community that the Recovery plan is moving fast because we can’t afford delays“Then he reiterated that the classrooms must be central:” The National Plan must reflect and reflect the indications of the parliament on the guidelines, “he said. The Prime Minister also revealed that, in addition to the 6 Recovery missions,” which are divided into 18 components “,” the projects are supported by judicial reform, a reform of the system that has been kept separate from the six missions. “But that will be a pillar of recovery: about this, as a national system, we play an important role in credibility“.

The premier had spoken again in the morning of the Recovery Plan, guaranteeing the intervention of Parliament: “It will have to be a national project, all the requests from the social partners will have to be collected, it will have to return to Parliament for approval,” he said. during the speech at the inauguration of the Modena Innovation Hub Data Center. Then, speaking with the M5 delegation, he reiterated: “I thank the parliamentarians who worked in their respective committees on those reports that have been made with commitment. I can’t wait to send the update document and then get more directions and prepare for the final plan. ” Then, he specified, “it is a plan that is part of a European strategy that acquires greater force because all states must move in a strategic direction. It is interesting to consider that other plans will be drawn up, which will offer our exports the possibility of expanding “, Conte explained, recalling:”60 percent of the resources will be dedicated to the green and digital transition., 40 percent in school, education and research, gender equality, territorial cohesion and health ”.

The meeting with the Pd – Regarding the working group, “a broad and shared reflection will be necessary”, Conte said when he saw the demo “It is clear that we will need some tools, which will guarantee follow-up in the first place. The EU asks us, wants it punctual, concentrated and centralized monitoring. On this, however, we can go back to reason all together to find the best solutions in the collective interest. It is unthinkable, and we have never thought about it, that there is a centralized structure that could be invasive ”. “It is unthinkable” a working group that “could hinder the prerogatives, powers, faculties but also the responsibilities that correspond to the central, territorial and peripheral administrations. I am sorry that the public debate has created such an uproar. The ministries, regions, mayors are and will continue to be subject to enforcement“, The premier explained again.

On this point, the Democrats would have asked for greater clarity: “The issue of the governance of the Recovery cannot be set aside and for the Democratic Party, which asks for clarity in this regard, it is correct to fix it in the form of subsidiarity but not of replacement. of the prerogatives of the central administration “. and peripheral of the State “.

Conte spoke after the funds that will be allocated to health: “As you have already seen, when evaluating the destination of the allocation of resources to certain sectors and activities, it is necessary to pay attention to there are transversal projects: health, perhaps the most emblematic case but not the only one, receives resources directly but also receives, for example, for the efficiency of hospitals (included in the green transition) ”.

The democrat closed by saying that “in a couple of days the Democratic Party will reserve the right to send a proposal on the draft of the Recovery Plan that was delivered to the delegation in the afternoon.” And there is certainly one of the concerns expressed the lack of labor reform.

Conte queries – Started on Chigi Palace around 5 pm for the Prime Minister’s second round of consultations. The Minister of Economy also participated in the meetings Roberto Gualtieri and the Minister of European Affairs Enzo Amendola. Instead, there are no party leaders and the objective is precisely to expand the participation of politicians. In the morning Conte had given another guarantee: “The project will be national and will go back to Parliament for approval,” he said. The first group was the M5S, represented by the Head of Delegation and Guardian of Stamps, Alfonso Bonafede, by House and Senate group leaders Davide Crippa and Ettore Licheri, and via video link from Qatar the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luigi Di Maio. There are also the other pentaterized ministers, the deputy minister of Mef, Laura Castelli, and the undersecretary, Laura Agea.
