Recovery: CDM Postponed Scheduled for the Afternoon – Policy


The Council of Ministers scheduled for this afternoon to continue with the examination of the Recovery Plan and the working group on the execution of the projects, has been postponed. This is what you learn from government sources.

The lengthy pre-council meeting on the Recovery Plan’s ad hoc governance decree, which ended late at night, generated no white smoke. An encounter, with lively tones and sometimes very tense, that did not lead to an agreement, in particular with Italia Viva, on the rules for the management of the more than 200,000 million European funds for post-Covid reconstruction. It remains a question, therefore, to try to reach a square and avoid tears over the plan that will be presented as soon as possible in Brussels and in Parliament. The technicians analyzed the two articles and the 32 sections of the draft provision for a long time, pausing for more than two hours in the replacement powers to entrust the team of 6 mission chiefs called to coordinate the execution of the Plan, with supervision and control. of the political control room formed by the Conte-Gualtieri-Patuanelli triumvirate. The broad governance architecture will reportedly maintain, at least for now, its “pyramidal” structure, including the participation of the social partners in an advisory “Social Committee”. However, the pre-council meeting, which began around 8 p.m. and ended after 2 a.m., did not result in an agreement.