Recovery, at the table with Conte Italia viva reopens the dialogue. Bellanova: “The first working group proposal has been omitted, it is a step forward”


If it is too early to say that the risk of a government crisis has escaped, surely the signals that have come from the table between the prime minister Giuseppe Conte me Alive italy they make the executive breathe. Yesterday, the start of the new round of consultations at Palazzo Chigi had caused a first gesture of relaxation on the part of Ettore Rosato, but today it was the head of the delegation who confirmed that the dialogue was reopened Teresa Bellanova. At the end of a two-hour meeting, something very different from the narrow half-hour in attendance last Friday, the minister declared: “At last we began to reason in merit“After all, this was precisely the Prime Minister’s strategy: to try to divert as quickly as possible the discussion about the content of the Recovery plan and the division of EU funds. And the new approach, for the moment, has allowed a rapprochement with the Renzians: “Finally Conte noted that Iv’s proposals are absolutely positive and the working group on the text, ”Bellanova continued.

The first result, as stated by the Renzians, is that in Conte’s proposal the working group has now disappeared as the prime minister initially thought. This does not mean that it will disappear, because Europe itself asks for it as Conte always said, but it will surely be revised to please everyone. “On December 7 we had a meeting in which Conte spoke for an hour and 27 minutes about governance,” Bellanova said, recalling the CDM from where all the confrontation of the last ten days began. “Then he gave the floor to Amendola saying that in 10-15 minutes he would have to talk about the merit. Then we caught up. Now that proposal, illustrated for an hour and 27 minutes, is no longer on the table“And this, he added, for Italia viva” is a step forward. “

The other point on which Italy lives has no intention of going backwards is investment in health. The 9 billion of the first draft does not satisfy Renzi and his people, despite the fact that a series of transversal investments must be added, and for this they intend to wage war to activate the Month. “Why don’t we reflect on the possibility of launching the 36 billion of the Month that have even less conditionality than the Recovery?” Then, to journalists who asked if Conte can consider returning from the confrontation, she replied: “The government can rest easy if it solves the problems”. Technically, the milestones are already set: Conte wants to bring the plan to the CDM by the end of the year and the majority parties must make their observations as soon as possible. “It took us a few hours, Italy alive will prepare a document that will be delivered to Conte,” said Bellanova. And then they will wait for the expected response for next week. It is Conte’s duty to summarize the different proposals ”, he concluded.

The new round of consultations, after the verification of the majority last week, was attended by representatives of groups without party leaders. Yesterday Conte saw M5s and Pd, today the Renzian delegation composed (in addition to Bellanova) by the Minister of Equal Opportunities and Family Elena Bonetti, House and Senate group leaders Maria Elena Boschi and Davide Faraone, the national coordinator Rosato and the deputy Luigi marattin. Around 1:30 PM, Conte received the Leu delegation.

However, that it is too early to rule out the risk of the crisis can be understood from the words of the leader of Italy alive Matteo renzi. The senator, who for almost two weeks has threatened the crisis almost daily, just before the delegation entered Palazzo Chigi, made his enews known, asking the premier for “answers”: “We trust that, with due respect to controversial makers, President Conte has read this letter, “he said in reference to the document he gave Conte last Friday, effectively freezing the majority verification.” We’ll see if you want to give some answers. The ball is now in the hands of the PremierIt just depends on him. He owes the answers to Italy, not to Iv ”. Renzi then reiterated that he is not targeting a shakeup, but will instead insist on using the Month (as opposed to 5 stars and currently not on the agenda) to fund healthcare: “They wrote that we want seats. They wrote that we are irresponsible. They wrote that we do tactics. They wrote, but they did not read ”, it reads. And he announced that the challenge will begin at this point: “At each point we continue to insist, starting with the Month.” The party has promoted a signature drive to spend more money on health care. “We have 9,000 signatures and we want to reach 15,000. Can you help us? “.
