Record in Italy, never so many new infections and tampons since the beginning of the Coronavirus emergency


In Italy today they have registered 24,991 new cases of Coronavirus, a figure never reached since the beginning of the Covid-19 emergency. A real negative record that comes after more than two weeks in which infections have continued to grow at a dizzying rate at the height of the data contained in the daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health, with some regions, such as Lombardy, Sardinia, Puglia, Calabria and Sicily they had never seen so many infections since last March. But this is not the only record at present: another refers, in fact, to the number of tampons carried out, which were 198,952, or 24,554 more than yesterday when they were 174,398. This means that the positivity rate is around 13%, precisely 12.5%: of every 100 swabs performed, 13 were positive.

Also, again today for the first time the number of current positives exceeded that of the total cured: it had never happened during first wave, in comparison, however, with far fewer tampons. In any case, the epidemiological curve shows no signs of slowing down the rise: we are in “scenario 3”, as the Prime Minister also stressed today. Giuseppe Conte, – with regional Rt values ​​between 1.25 and 1.5 – in. rapid deterioration. The goal is to preserve the health system and, at the same time, protect the economic system. The number of patients in treatment is growing rapidly, bringing current data closer to those of emergency shutdown: We recall that on the first day of freedom after the total blockade, on May 4, in Italy there were 16,823 hospitalized and 1,487 in intensive care, when, however, the Covid wards were being emptied. Today, however, 125 more people have been hospitalized in intensive care in the last 24 hours (yesterday the increase was similar, +127), according to data from the Ministry of Health, for a total of 1,536 people in intensive care. In ordinary wards, however, there are now 14,981 patients, an increase of 1,026.
