Vatican City – Beyond the reformist air: in the Church in Germany are the seeds of an authentic women’s revolution. Former German Federal President Christian Wulff, a Catholic, said in an interview that he would be ready to receive a Pope, “a woman at the head of the Catholic Church.”
A phrase that by itself breaks down so many taboos and brings new energy to the reform process that the bishops have initiated: for two years they have decided to openly address all kinds of problems, listening to the requests that come from the faithful, from the rank and file, the parishes. From the abolition of priestly celibacy to the female priesthood. The response of the former German president suggests the climate of openness that reigns.
When asked if there could ever be a female pope, Wulff succinctly replied to the Christ & Welt (Christ and the world) supplement of the weekly Die Zeit: “I would gladly welcome you.”
This was reported by the Catholic agency KNA, also explaining that Pope Benedict XVI had asked him, during a visit to the Vatican in 2007, about his collaboration with the then regional Lutheran bishop of Hannover, Margot Kaessmann. “The question showed that he was thinking about these matters.” At that time, Wulff was the regional governor of Lower Saxony. “I replied: There is nothing to say against him, rather there is much to say in favor.”
Wulff also said that he envisions a secretary of the German Bishops’ Conference for the future, adding that it would be a “great sign“He said he was against defining women as” gap fillers “in the Church and wanted to see women in the pulpit. He added:” I would like to know your point of view on the Bible. “
Wulff met with the Pope at the Vatican in mid-October. Her audience summed it up like this: “We talk a lot about the role of women in the Church. Pope Francis said that in Buenos Aires, on very difficult issues, he had both the council of priests and other committees where women worked. The most concrete solutions and those with a broader vision came from the committees where there were women.
Last updated: 18:11