Snowfall in Asiago (Bosaro)
15.30 h. There is more than 50 centimeters of fresh snow. fallen in the inhabited centers of the plateau and with the disturbance that doesn’t seem to stop. A fine and gentle snowfall is affecting the Seven Municipalities with many roads made difficult by the abundance of the snow cover. The journey has been especially difficult for those who had to go to work on the plain this morning because, despite the enormous deployment of forces launched by Vi.Abilità, numerous icy spots.
In the villages we work tirelessly to free municipal roads from the snow and then be able to spread gravel and salt for greater safety. It is still difficult to reach the most remote neighborhoods of the municipalities by car, where the companies in charge of snow removal are using all available means.
12 a. M. More than 40 centimeters of snow fell on Asiagoy in the towns of the Plateau, with the entire territory battered by a night snow storm. A few centimeters less in the farmhouses closest to the plain but always above 30 centimeters, even in Lusiana and Conco.
Heavy snowfall caused some discomfort on the main roads
connection routes even though Vi.Abilità media were already in action
from the early hours of the morning. Traffic on minor roads is more difficult where more than one motorist was in difficulty due to accumulation of snow in the middle of the road, increased by gusts of wind.
The snowfall agreement, however, is causing less inconvenience than usual due to restrictions for Covid that have reduced the arrival of tourists
and second home owners on the Meseta. Municipalities invite
motorists get on the road, in the direction of the plateau, only if necessary to avoid possible exits due to the icy surface.