Rapid saliva tests at school, possible measurement coming to DPCM. For school without restrictions



The Government is evaluating the use of rapid tests for schools, this is a measure that is experimentally found in some areas of the country and that, as our drafting anticipated this morning, could be part of the measures contained in DPCM.

At the moment, there are no hypotheses of changes in the methods of managing the health emergency caused by CVID-19 in schools. According to the Government, the measures taken govern and make the school a safe place. Therefore, in the next DPCM, there should be no substantial measures. The data published in recent days is enough for the Government to consider the school a safe place. There are no hypotheses of restrictive measures for schools.

The strict rules that students and school personnel must follow, again according to the Government, are sufficient for the moment not to overhaul the structure. Attention, an appeal that comes from multiple sources, should instead focus on the after-school that often becomes a vehicle within the same educational institutions.

Another measure that the Government is considering and that could become part of the DPCM in the next few hours refers to the use of rapid tests in schools. These are salivary tests that in a very short time can give a result on the possible presence of Covid. Very useful when faced with a suspicious case and with the risk of a possible contagion to school personnel or students.

A test that was experimented in Lazio and that was useful to identify the positives in schools and then subject the students to a swab.

