Raffaele Fitto and his wife are positive for Covid. It had not been an easy week for a center-right candidate for president. After the defeat in the regional elections against Michele Emiliano, he had had to respond to criticism from the Lega and from Matteo Salvini himself, who had openly defined his candidacy as weak. But now comes even worse news.
To communicate it the same Fitto on his Facebook profile: “After receiving, last Wednesday, the news from a close collaborator of mine of his positivity to the Covid-19 test, I immediately asked the ASL to undergo a swab with my family. Only my wife and I tested positive although we currently have no symptoms. Obviously I will continue the quarantine until new indications from the health authorities. Hello everyone, see you soon – writes Fitto, but also leaves a post script – I hope that at least in this the professional haters take a good rest ”.
Just two weeks ago Fitto had made another swab together with Giorgia Meloni to avoid the positivity hypothesis since on August 24 he had visited with the leader of the Brothers of Italy without masks and protective devices a fruit and vegetable company in Polignano en Mare, which it became one of the largest coronavirus outbreaks in Apulia in the following days.