Continue to hold the speed call. The number of places applied for turned out to be much lower than expectations: current data tell us that at this time about sixty teachers from outside the region have arrived in Lombardy, less than 100 teachers have left Apulia, in Piedmont on 2 , 5% of the places thanks to the quick call, in Lazio, compared to 5 thousand places, 3 (three) questions arrived.
The unions and the opposition express all their dissent. But the Minister of Education seems calm.
Azzolina: I have read many messages of happiness
The quick call, the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, told Radio 24, “is a new tool, it has room for improvement. 2,500 teachers have applied, I have read many messages of joy” from those who have obtained the chair.
About 10,000 applications had been sent, perhaps those who did not complete the process, Azzolina hypothesized, “were afraid to move” due to the Covid-19 emergency.
“I think – concluded the minister – that it was a good opportunity: someone took it, I think it is an instrument that should remain for next year.”
Ascani: review of the procedures to access roles
Meanwhile, however, his deputy, Anna Ascani (Pd), also speaking of lost hires with the “Corriere della Sera” says: “We have digitized the hiring system and there are some errors”, referring to the many errors in the GPS , but “Many are similar and therefore can be corrected.”
So Ascani wants to say: “Once the schools are open, let’s start rewriting the rules for accessing the position.”
For the public contest, Ascani gave as an example, “even the test would change: the ability of the candidates to take a lesson should be further enhanced.”
Ruthless numbers
However, there is also something to check on the speed call. The numbers are ruthless. The latter are provided by the Masters Guild.
Calabria 16 questions, Molise, 7, Piedmont 30, Toscana 50, Puglia 26, Friuli 8: the first official data on the quick call speak of a failure that, also thanks to the five-year block, far exceeds the most pessimistic forecasts and a series of requests are clearly below expectations and laughable when compared with the 60,000 unassigned seats of the 84,000 planned, ”writes the teachers union.
Di Meglio: it would take one contest per month!
“Also this year, as we had amply predicted, says Rino Di Meglio, national coordinator of the Teachers Guild, the number of vacancies that will remain unfilled will be exorbitant, causing the substitutes to jump to more than 200,000. And the situation is not destined to improve even with the competitions for which around 70,000 places have been banned in the next three years, a totally insufficient figure to structurally cover the staff that, in anticipation of the next retirements, in the triennium 2020 / 23 should lead to an availability of at least 140-150 thousand places “.
Even according to Di Meglio “it is evident that the recruitment system is not able to keep up with this large number that would require a contest to be held every month”.
In this sense, Di Meglio recalls, we continue to await the start of the technical roundtables for the establishment of new routes of structural habilitation provided for by the School Decree approved on June 6, which, as provided for in article 2 bis, should be on going. within 60 days, now expired, by ad hoc decree signed by the Minister of Education. “
“The definition of new and structural forms of the enabling procedures and an adaptation of the forms of hiring – concludes the national coordinator of the Guild – are absolutely necessary to avoid the recurrence of other failures next year and that the situation explodes.”
Pittoni: a mockery
Not even Senator Mario Pittoni, director of the Lega School and vice president of the Culture Commission, sent them to say.
“In fact – says the Northern League player – the ordinary competition announced by Azzolina is proving to be one of the minister’s many faults to put precarious teachers out of the game. For the rest, the way in which Azzolina has configured the fast call from regions other than the one chosen by the interested parties is not explained: the fast call (an operation that, however, was unsuccessful for the hiring) as it was configured, was a real mockery “.
“In fact, Logica would have liked it to be implemented in all available places after mobility and nominations in the role of each region / province; if, on the other hand, those available for competition are deducted from the number of these positions, it is evident that there is very little left everywhere. We wonder at this point how much it is worth it for Pd, Iv and Leu, allies of the grillini, to continue to cover up such a dirty war against the precarious, that even in recent years they have made a fundamental contribution to maintaining the school system… ”.