queues for the aperitif and the shops


The weeks of the red zone and the orange zone have had a significant impact on the economy of Milanese restaurateurs. With the arrival of the yellow zone, on Sunday the 13th, in Milan, as in the rest of Lombardy, restaurants, pizzerias and bars reopen until 6:00 p.m. In this way, it is possible to have an aperitif at the bar again, an almost indispensable tradition for many of the citizens of Milan.

Here is the bulletin on the health situation of Sunday, December 13

On Sunday, thanks to the beautiful day, the center was stormed by people. The Piazza Duomo, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II and the streets around it were full of people. There were those who walked in search of Christmas gifts, those who were just curious to see the trees and lights, those who just took a walk, and those who resumed the ritual of the aperitif.

Al Camparino, a historic venue at Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, has also created a queue for customers to enter. Anyone looking for a cocktail at the bar or sitting at the table in the outdoor area. Even the shops of the luxury brands of the Galleria have returned to welcome customers, so much so that outside some of them even small queues have formed. Not all bars and restaurants have opened. Many have decided to keep the blind closed.

Lombardo and Sala’s warnings

“We must remember that the fewer restrictions, the more attention must be paid every day, at every moment.” So with a post on Facebook the governor of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, on the region’s first day in the yellow zone, recalled that the yellow zone is not a green light for everything. “The results against the virus have been achieved thanks to the sacrifice and responsibility of the Lombards, to whom I once again thank them. This is the path we must follow,” he added.

Like him, even the mayor of Milan, Beppe Sala invites you to keep your guard up. “At this moment – he said – it would be prudent in general, we made a great effort and I do not want you to be frustrated, I think that the idea of ​​the maximum possible prudence must be valid”.

“It is good that commerce, restaurants and bars work but we are very careful because we have all understood not only the risks but also that for the moment of distribution of the vaccine, attention will be needed until the summer: let’s not cancel the work done weeks I have never asked that the measures be relaxed and I am not going to ask, “said the mayor of Milan.

The basic rules of the yellow zone (faq)

It will no longer be prohibited to leave your municipality nor will you have to carry a self-certification when you move. However, the curfew remains in force: travel is only allowed from 5 pm to 10 pm. During the curfew you can only travel for proven reasons of work, health and need. However, the recommendation remains to limit movements to those necessary.

In the period from December 21 to January 6, however, as established by the last Dpcm, all movements between Regions are prohibited, even to reach second homes. “At Christmas, on Boxing Day and on January 1, as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced, it is also forbidden to travel from one municipality to another.”

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Transit in the red or orange zones – as specified in the government’s Faq – is freely allowed (from 5 to 22) if you go to other territories that are in the yellow zone, without the need for motivation. Instead, it is possible to reach a red or orange zone only for proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons.

The stores, already reopened with the transition to the orange zone, naturally continue to operate. The great novelty, on the other hand, refers to bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries that will finally be able to reopen, but only from 5 to 18 (it is possible to carry out the take-away service until 10 p.m. and home delivery without time limit). On the other hand, on holidays and before holidays, medium and large sales structures, commercial establishments in shopping centers and markets remain closed, except for pharmacies, parapharmacies, health centers and food outlets, tobacconists and kiosks.

In public transport we continue traveling with 50% capacity (except school transport). In high school and professional schools, teaching will continue to be remote until January 7, date from which, according to the ‘Christmas Dpcm’, these schools may reopen. Even the universities are still closed; while all other schools of order and degree obviously remain open. Even in the yellow zone, exhibitions and museums are still inaccessible. In addition, cinemas, theaters, recreational and social centers, gyms, swimming pools, game rooms, betting rooms and bingo are also closed. The sports centers will reopen where, however, it is allowed to train only outdoors and respecting the distance (contact sports are prohibited).
