Increasing contagion, the call of DG Francesco Benazzi: “Bypass the trackers’ controls, we need more controls”
TREVISO. With a series of real positives that broke the ceiling of 16 thousand (almost a thousand more yesterday in 24 hours), almost a thousand victims since the start of the pandemic and a quota of hospitalized patients that touches the “full house” of Covid beds , the situation in Marca is worrying. In spite of everything, the altruistic spirit of the first wave was exhausted, the ethical sense was swept away. Quarantine or not, there are those who do not respect the obligation of isolation and act as if nothing.
The Treviso health manager, Francesco Benazzi, has decided to ask the prefect Maria Rosaria Laganà for help to increase controls in the area. “It is obvious that despite the slowdown in the movement of people, the number of infections is constantly increasing and also the deaths that destroy us every time. The Christmas lunches did us no good – said Benazzi wishing us a better 2021 than last year – we make a lot of tampons, today we are at 409,000, but this is not enough to explain such an exaggerated number of positives despite mini-confinement ».
In the course of phone calls made by trackers to keep the contagion map up to date, a bitter truth has emerged: a portion of the quarantined people circulate freely, giving the USL the wrong phone number so they are not available.
“I listened to our trackers – adds Benazzi – unfortunately our high number of infections also depends on the release of quarantined people who continue to spread the virus: we have reports circulating. There are those who cannot be available by giving the wrong phone number. It is unethical behavior that exposes everyone to a very high number of infections. Hence the appeal addressed to all, to rediscover the sense of responsibility. And the request to the prefect Laganà to close the ranks of the police. “I ask from an ethical and human point of view: if you are in quarantine, stay at home, that they find you when they call you for verification. I will ask the prefect, who will contact the police, to increase the controls: we have not had positive signs in this period of mini-confinement.
The contagion curve shows no signs of falling, contradicting the forecasts of a month ago. And the relationship between the number of swabs performed and the number of positives remains high, above 14% of the national average. Here are the data for our province based on the Covid points tests: opitergino 22%, the highest; Altivole and Castellana 19-20%; Coneglianese 11.28%; Treviso and limirofi 16%. Faced with the evolution of the epidemic, the Rt index has remained stable since December, below 1, at 0.99%.
“Safety regulations must be applied – insists the person in charge of the brand’s health care – mask, distancing and hand washing”. Fortunately, there is some comforting data. In the 54 residences of the Brand the number of positives decreased both among guests and among operators. “Currently the positives are 541 out of 12,015 people between operators and guests – he adds – there has been a reduction and I thank all the staff for that.” Of a total of 6,930 operators, the positives are currently 208 (3%), the infected elderly are 333 of 5,085 (6.5%). It is also good on the front of the cured who are almost 35,000 since the beginning of the pandemic: the highest number in Veneto. –