“It is intolerable that after eight months the government is sailing in plain sight.” Giorgia Meloni overwhelm the last movements with Dpcm government anti-Covid Giuseppe Conte in what appears to be an obvious state of confusion. And unmasks the “cynicism“From the executive at the firm pressed into the night.” I think it is a clear message for everyone who is not understanding anything. They knew very well that there would be a second wave, we campaigned in August for this reason ”, said the leader of Fratelli d’Italia, guest of Lucia Annunziata to “Mezz’ora in più” on Raitre.
Meloni in particular puts Conte on the grill for him half closing of bars and restaurants as well as for the closings of categories chosen according to questionable criteria. “I do not agree to close by sector. We need to give recipes and verify that they are respected,” said Meloni. Restaurants and bars will close at 6pm. M., “It’s cynical to keep them open until 6 p.m., because that entrepreneurs are thus left with costs and since they cannot close, they cannot even be compensated“, the leader of the FdI attacks. But don’t the clubs fuel a ‘risky’ nightlife, asks the Annunziata?” If you decide to close them, you close them. It is cynical to keep them open until 6pm by making them keep costs without the profits they would have working nights. It’s like saying: I do not refresh you, the responsibility is yours. They hit categories without scientific evidence when the government does not do important things within its competence and discharges responsibility. “Conte did not think, for example,” about Back infections. Wasn’t it reasonable to filter out those returning from vacation, from abroad or migrants as we proposed in FdI, even if illegal immigration was completely blocked for us? “.
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Speaking of the “soft drinks” promised by Conte, Meloni is cautious: “Can the government tell us what resources to restore the activities penalized by the Dpcm. If the money spent by the restaurateurs to ensure their businesses was useless – adds the leader of the Brothers of Italy – the government must pay them ”.
“The emergency exists. But the answers are wrong.” From the health point of view “today the absolute priority is to assure the elderly“says” Half an hour more “about Rai Tre, the leader of Fdi.” The virus affects everyone, but there are more exposed categories. “
In Raitre’s talk there is also room for international politics. “I hope in the victory of Donald trump, whose ideas are more similar to mine, but I will work with whoever wins to defend Italian national interests, “announced Giorgia Meloni.” We should be concerned about how the debate evolves, today’s electoral campaign is one of unprecedented violence, “added Meloni.” It is not good for anyone, we should all work to lower the tone, however it goes like an Italian patriot I think Italy should collaborate with the US president, I invite everyone to tone down. “For Meloni” the attempt to represent Trump as a monster, as a crazy white supremacist by our political observers, tomorrow can be very dangerous for the defense of our national interests ”.