In Puglia for hundreds of thousands of students it is the last day of school. Effect of the Michele Emiliano ordinance that suspended teaching in presence until November 24.
Much criticism overwhelmed the governor after the announcement. Even those of Antonella Viola, an immunologist at the University of Padua. “It is sad to see that in many parts of our country the school is sacrificed immediately. In France, Ireland and Germany (almost) everything is closed but not the school – writes the scientist on Twitter – The school remains present. The signal is very strong: school is essential! “.
Coronavirus, Emiliano closes all schools in Puglia from October 30 to November 24

Another epidemiologist, the Health Councilor of the Puglia Region, Pier Luigi Lopalco, defends the decision to suspend the didactic activity in the presence of schools of all levels in Puglia: “An important but necessary choice. Even if we had had some perfect transports , no
We could have prevented infections in schools. Seven months is not enough to organize public transport. It is impossible. There is no region in Italy that has succeeded. “
“The school plays a fundamental role in the transmission of the virus,” he explains. It does not matter whether they are infected inside or outside the classrooms, but it does matter that when it comes to a class, even for a single positive, the whole class with the teacher must at home. Local services activate incredible work. If we multiply it by all the schools in Puglia, it is a huge job that weighs too heavily on prevention systems “.
“This is a decision we make together with overworked pediatricians for all children who wait for medical certificates even after a simple cold – continues the epidemiologist Lopalco – we have a multitude of parents lining up to receive a paper. this had to be resolved. We cannot afford so many doctors to stay in the office to sign papers. If he could have spoken to Macron as an epidemiologist, he would have advised him to close the schools. “