Puglia is still the orange zone, measures renewed until December 3


ROME – Contrary to the forecasts of the last days, Puglia remains in the ‘orange’ risk zone. This is what the new ordinance signed today by Health Minister Roberto Speranza offers. It does not go to the higher risk level, “red”, as it was supposed to. The new ordinance – underlines a note from the ministry – is valid until December 3, “without prejudice to the possibility of a new classification”, as provided for in the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of November 3.

In recent days, among other things, the governor of Apulia, Michele Emiliano, had requested the “red zone” only for the provinces of Foggia and Bat, in a hypothetical differentiation within the same region. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte had hinted at some glimpses of this hypothesis, but today the Ministry has chosen to keep Puglia as a whole in the “orange zone”.

Last updated: 16:42

