Puglia, from October 30 to November 24 all schools closed. Emiliano: increased contagion coincided with the reopening. ORDER



“Since Friday October 30, 2020, the teaching activities in presence in Puglia schools of all levels are suspended”: the president of the Puglia region, Michele Emiliano, declares this, announcing the new ordinance on schools.

“Face-to-face activities – explains Emiliano – will only be possible for workshops and for the assistance needs of students with special educational needs. The decision was made based on the evidence of the data collected by the Prevention Departments. The commendable commitment of children, students, and all school personnel has not been a sufficient barrier to keep the virus out of our schools. At least 286 schools in Apulia have been affected by Covid cases. All this in just one month of opening and despite the fact that in Puglia the school began on September 24, 17 days after other regions. The data tells us that at least 417 students tested positive and 151 cases positive among teachers and school staff. This decision also takes into account the attractiveness of Apulian pediatricians. We hope that the epidemiological data will allow us to return to face-to-face teaching as soon as possible ”.

The Italian Federation of Pediatricians (Fimp) made last night, during a meeting with Governor Michele Emiliano and the Councilor for Health, Pierluigi Lopalco, the proposal to close schools for at least two weeks, to reorganize and give the green light. rapid tests to be carried out directly at schools to avoid inconvenience to families and wait to reserve a tampon.

Puglia, after the Dpcm of October 24, with ordinance number 399 of October 25, had provided, from October 27 to November 24, distance education for a participation not less than 75% for all secondary schools.

Lopalco: increase in student-related infections

“From the data collected by the Prevention Departments – explains prof. Pier Luigi Lopalco: There is a significant increase in the trend of infections related to students and school personnel in schools of all levels.

Each positive event triggers a huge workload in the health service. Being the subjects included in a class. A positive student generates at least twenty more close family contacts. If a teacher who is in charge of several classes is positive, this number is multiplied more. Translated it means: thousands of people in fiduciary isolation for at least 10 days due to close contact, with all the inconveniences that families endure, especially when the little ones are in quarantine. But it also means thousands of hours of work for the operators of the prevention departments, because they have to carry out the activities of swabs, health surveillance and follow-up, in addition to the enormous workload of the swab analysis laboratories. In addition, the studies of pediatricians in recent weeks have been raided by hundreds of parents who needed certificates of readmission to school.

Sasso (Lega): educational catastrophe

“7 months of lost time also in Puglia, where Michele Emiliano finally decided to close all schools of all types and levels for students aged 6 and up.
He had 7 months to improve Apulian public transport, but he did not. He had 7 months to increase the number of quick swabs, but he did not do it ”, attacks the Apulian deputy of the Lega Rossano Sasso, member of the Culture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.


The ordinance goes into effect from October 30 to November 24, 2020 and states that “School institutions of all levels and levels (primary, lower secondary and upper secondary) adopt integrated digital teaching, reserving only laboratories (when the respective systems of the teaching cycle so require) and assistance for face-to-face activities students with needs special educational“.

Also – read the ordinance – “School Institutions of all levels and levels must communicate, every Monday of the week, to the Regional Office of the School and the Department of Health. [email protected] ) the number of students and the number of positive or quarantined school personnel, as well as all measures to suspend the teaching activities adopted due to the covid emergency“.

ORDER n. 407

