Public competitions Campania region 2020: call for 160 nurses


A new public competition, for grades and exams in the region Campania, was launched after resolution No. 751 of August 3, 2020 of the General Manager of Avellino hospital, in order to contract with an indefinite contract 160 nurses, category D, with a reserve equivalent to a maximum of 40% of the places advertised to be assigned to the beneficiaries referred to in art. 35, co. 3 bis, lett. a), Legislative Decree no. 165/2001, in theAO Moscati di Avellino. the ad was published in the Official Gazette on Friday, October 2, it is possible to submit the application until 11:59 p.m. on November 1, 2020.

Competition 160 nurses in Campania: educational qualification

One of the requirements that must be met to apply for admission to the public tender that involves the hiring of 160 nurses for the Moscati di Avellino hospital is obviously the type of educational qualification. In the specific case, the title of Nursing and obstetric health profession is required, alternatively, the university title of Nurse or other equivalent qualifications, perhaps obtained with the previous system, that enable professional activity and access to public competitions. In addition, the candidate must be registered in the corresponding professional registry.

Others requirements required for admission are the usual general which are valid for all public tenders.

The application for admission to the contest

Anyone wishing to apply for admission to the contest must submit it by electronic means. The process is available on the AO Moscati di Avellino portal, through the link The registration fee is 10 euros.

Competition for 160 Campania Nurses: Exam Tests and Qualifications Assessment

There are three tests that must be done:

  • The written test worth 30 points., consists of answering a multiple-choice question, or a synthetic answer correlated with the areas of professional, ethical, legislative and health competence of the professional discipline of nursing;
  • The practical test worth 30 points, consists of the implementation of practices related to the professional activity for which it is competing, which refer to technical and performance knowledge;
  • The oral exam is worth 20 points, consists of an interview related to the profile submitted to the contest and also includes verification of knowledge of some IT elements and of the English or French language.

The qualification evaluation can reach a maximum of 20 points. Professional qualifications are worth 10 points, educational and professional curriculum 6 points, academic and study qualifications 2 points, publications and scientific qualifications 2 points.
