While stocks of Sony’s new console are out of stock at all retailers, fans have seen numerous advertisements appearing on the net offering the hardware at very high prices.
In this context, the news of an organized group that has accumulated 3,500 PS5 specifically for the purpose of reselling them at a higher price caused a special sensation. Speculation was the focus of an article that appeared in Business Insider, who had the opportunity to talk with one of the association’s managers, known as CrepHeadNotify. Following the release of the details, strong negative reactions emerged from the video game community, to which the group wanted to respond publicly.
From its own pages Facebook, with the publication that you find at the end of this news, CrepChiefNotify denies using bots, as it initially arose instead. the 3,500 PlayStation 5 they would be blocked manually, simply thanks to the organizational skills of its members. The group then offered details about their action: “Many in our community have been put on leave, fired or placed at a disadvantage due to pandemic. These people were able to pay their bills, put meals on the table, and buy Christmas gifts for their children. It may be sad that one kid didn’t wake up to a PlayStation 5 this Christmas, but another kid might have woken up with nothing. We do not regret“.
A forceful statement, which certainly makes the context more complex and less Manichean. At the same time, Sony announced that the new PS5 stocks will arrive at Christmas.