PS5: Sony promises new units of its next-generation console before Christmas


Federica Papagni

The one on the PS5 is really the biggest launch ever. Say it’s the same Sony through the main PlayStation Twitter account, through which he is not only in charge of thanking all the passionate gamers who have chosen his next-generation console, but also carries the burden of communicating important news that interests the public. resettlement Of units.

As we know about PS5 there are no more in circulation, but the news was already known, declared and confirmed by the CEO of Sony. Jim Ryan, that before and after Christmas new pieces would be delivered to various stores around the world. Now to give greater veracity and confirmation to what was previously known, the same company arrives with the following words:

“Demand for PS5 is unprecedented, we want to confirm that new PS5 stock will hit stores before the end of the year. Stay in touch with your distributors. “

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There are many who were sadly disappointed that they couldn’t get their hands on the PS5 in time. But now, with this good news, it is possible to rekindle the flame of hope, and be so confident that December will be the perfect month to get hold of Sony’s new console.
