Provincial Rankings, “Made-Up” Titles, and Never-Performed Support Services: Chaos Served


Made-up titles, exaggerated title scores, and years of non-existent support service. They are among the main anomalies that precarious teachers are reporting after the publication of the first provincial rankings for substitutes.

Incredible mistakes for the first Gps

It is not surprising to find errors in the newly published GPS lists: we had already predicted the high probability in this regard. Only here, according to reports from readers and unions, have mistakes turned into “horrors”.

GPS rankings, published lists of each province

Some amazing situations bring them back Maddalena gissi, general secretary of the Cisl School: “They tell us about teachers who have been recognized 15 years of support service without having worked a day with the disabled – count from the CISL Scuola – and of teachers who rfind tenure in a French chair, a discipline they have never studied“.

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There is also the case of a 22-year-old girl who found 80 points titles only. “There are too many, should have 2 degrees, 3 doctorates. It’s not possibleThunders, the CISL school secretary.

And the s are still missingoverwhelming majority of provinces, including those where there are big cities: How will you fare in that case if there are such errors? “If there are similar cases in all territorial realities, the school will be invaded by judicial remedies and disputes that will compromise not only the start of the school year but all educational activities.Gissi explains.

It should have been a Copernican revolution aimed at vastly improving the alternate appointment mechanism, and instead turned out to be an ugly mess that will spell countless calls.“He says instead Rino Di Meglio, national coordinator of the Teachers Guild.

Many critical issues arose with the new procedure introduced this year, including entrusting the validation of applications to polo schools. “whose secretariesand – says Di Meglio – they found thousands upon thousands of questions to examine, a mass of work humanly impossible to eliminate within the too short time limits imposed by Viale Trastevere “.

We need to find times and ways to test, perhaps on a sample basis, Turi suggests immediately, the various situations to restore confidence in the system that, conversely, runs the risk of collapse.

Collapse that for the good of the school should be avoided.

“Some situations seem so compromised that our legal department is working to provide indications on jurisdictional guarantees, if the ministry does not want to account for the results of this flawed operation,” he says instead. Pino Turi, of the Uil School.

“We had said that the GPS procedures were full of critical issues and that more care and more time were needed, but they accused us of sabotaging the start of the school year,” says the secretary of the Snals Elvira serafini.

Precarious sanctioned. And they can’t correct mistakes

The fact is that this tile from the wrong rankings will fall on the heads of precarious workers, who will be indispensable this year: “The precarious are once again subjected to the schizophrenic oppression of a ministerial bureaucracy that wants to appear efficient – Gissi concludes – leaving rights and regular procedures on the streets that require adequate time, given the complexity. It would seem like a spasmodic search for litigation. And then we are the saboteurs …

How will the errors be corrected? We know that the adoption of is not planned provisional classifications and therefore a complaint procedure for possible material errors. That is why the unions, especially the Flc Cgil, had proposed one integration to the GPS ordinance, precisely to allow the correction of errors. A system that provides “an adequate period for the presentation of complaints.”

Precisely in order not to run the risk of exceeding the times, the Ministry of Education has not planned to publish the provisional rankings, thus denying the possibility of rectifying and integrating the questions.Says Di Meglio still.

An elevator – continues the national coordinator of the union – which, on the other hand, would have been essential this year for the launch of the new computer system. The result is that the submitted applications contain numerous errors, many of which were made by the wrong approach originally assigned by the Ministry to the questions, which will lead to a proliferation of controversies.”.

The spectrum of appeals

It seems quite probable, therefore, one avalanche of appeals: in the absence of the possibility to file a complaint, precarious teachers must protect themselves to assert their right to correct mistakes. Appeal that would result in the possible termination of contracts already stipulated, in case of finding errors.

We remind you that it is possible to continue with the extraordinary appeal to the President of the Republic within 120 days or judicial appeal before the competent TAR, within 60 days.
