
Provincial rankings and substitute institutes: the School Offices publish the lists of candidates admitted to the ranking and of candidates excluded.
At least 40 thousand applicants excluded
The number of applications submitted as of August 6 was 753,750.
The number of applications excluded after the first evaluation of the School Offices and the Polo schools (but probably not yet complete) is informed by the Ministry with a specific press release “All applications have been evaluated and led to the exclusion of almost 40 thousand questions that presented anomalies. “
The decrees of exclusion of candidates
Also non-existent declared titles
“Digitization has allowed, for example – continues the Ministry – to identify more quickly the declaration of non-existence of degrees by some candidates as a guarantee for all those who, on the other hand, have correctly presented their candidacy.”
Reasons why the School Offices have already published exclusion decrees
- insert request for competition classes until exhaustion or is no longer included in legal systems (article 5 paragraph 1 of the OM)
- false statement in the previous entry, not traceable in the Ministry’s computer system
- to lose three years of teaching in a support position in the relative degree to access band II GPS support
- incomplete requirements for competition class A23 (L2 certification is included in the access requirements)
- applications submitted on paper
However, it is not yet clear how the qualification for access to the title + 24 UFC will be verified, since the insertion application did not require entering the details of the achievement of any additional exams to access the competition or achievement class. of the 24 CFU.
Then there is the question of musical instrument.
Some school offices write “Some applicants have been able to apply the A-55 ranking, a musical instrument in school
second grade high school, in the absence of the specific service required by Annex E of the decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research May 9, 2017, n. 259. In this case, the office will verify the possession of the requirement, integrating the request with the corresponding specific score, or it will exclude the candidate from the ranking “.
The unions, when indicating the priorities to the Ministry, wrote “for the second strip, the requirement of the specific service, although foreseen by the ministerial order, was canceled in the last available days, with the need to proceed with the exclusion of the applications presented without this requirement) but this clarification is not exhaustive either.
Exclusion of the specific competition class only
The exclusion decision must affect only that class of competence, and not the others for which the candidate requests inclusion if the requirements of the others are correct.
The exclusion refers to both provincial rankings and school rankings.
Exclusion from the competition category refers to the impossibility of being able to appear in that ranking. Consequently, the applicant cannot participate in any of the alternates.
Correct question but the choice of schools was not inserted
If the application is correct, it will be considered valid for the provincial rankings and therefore the applicant may participate in the assignment of substitutes until August 31 or June 30, but not in the assignment of temporary substitutes (or possible residual substitutes to August 31). or June 30) belonging to the school principals of the individual schools.
Title errors
There are also errors related to ratings, which do not lead to exclusion from the ranking. In that case it’s just a matter of scoring.