Proud boys among weapons and slogans. Who are the protesters who occupied the Congress Usa-


They overwhelmed the barriers to protect Capitol hill, the American Congress. And they entered the white marble building that has always been the symbol of American democracy and beyond. In the Senate chamber, parliamentarians prepared to recognize the victory of the Democratic candidate Joe biden, now in effect the “president-elect”, and to definitively open access to the White House as the new “commander-in-chief” of the United States as of January 20. They should have endorsed, with an absolutely formal procedure, the results of the vote last November 3, also in light of the monitoring of appeals rejected on the regularity of the consultations. The Supreme Court of the United States itself, with the majority justices from the Republican area, could only verify the regularity of the vote by returning to the sender all the objections raised by the Trumpian front.

Trump’s role

But the head of the White House in the last two months has never stopped adding fuel to the fire and raising the tone on the issue of the regularity of the consultations. And he lost all hope of being able to counter the dem’s victory at least with a parliamentary “filibuster”; today Georgia has also turned its back on the Republicans by assigning the Democrats, who have already won it in the House of Representatives, an absolute majority in the Senate – it has raised the tone even more. The extremist wing of Trump supporters, incited by the outgoing president who opened fire throughout the day via social media on the subject of “fraudulent” elections, invaded the symbolic place of American democracy and prevented Biden from leaving. officially proclaimed as new. commander in chief. During the clashes with the police that occurred at the most emotional moments of the protest, a woman lost her life.

The call to order

Joe Biden, in the hottest phases of the Capitol occupation, invited President Trump to speak on live television. call to order its most extreme supporters. And a few minutes later, Trump tried with a video message, sometimes awkward, to contain extremism, while again contesting the legitimacy of the vote. He urged his followers, whom he called “patriots” despite weapons in hand and the scars of the US parliament, not to foment violence. And accept, despite everything, the result of the vote. But the crowd continued to literally occupy Capitol hill. Only at 11:42 p.m. was a note issued in Italian to explain that the building that houses the two parliamentary chambers had been secured. But outside the crowd has yet to disperse, leaving open the option of a National Guard intervention. Only with the passing of minutes did most of the rioters leave the camp, addressing the police with a mocking gesture: “We’re leaving, not you who are chasing us.”

“Back home”

Shortly before, the president himself had encouraged his supporters in Washington and for weeks supported the thesis of the “stolen victory”, of the “rigged elections”, despite the fact that more and more members of his own party had distanced themselves from it. this position. Then, as the situation worsened, the decision to tone down: “Please support our Capitol police, be peaceful,” Trump said in a tweet that, however, had no effect. The president tried again later, following the explicit invitation from Biden: “I ask everyone to remain calm. Without violence. Remember, we are the party of law and order. Respect the law and our great men and women in uniform. ‘ But the Senate was busy now. On the staircase and inside the immaculate neoclassical building that has always represented the symbol of American and Western democracy there were also many women and many young people, remembered for the slogans raised by those social networks from which they have been learning for years . the doctrine of the New York tycoon and the slogans on the return to the traditional values ​​of white and conservative America. Trump, after speaking on television, reiterated it through Twitter, his main means of communication: “Go home, despite the stolen victory” (Twitter, however, added a footnote on the lack of basis of the complaint about electoral fraud, preventing any interaction or retweeting the publication).

National Guard mobilized

The capital’s police had initially authorized the demonstration, but then the situation deteriorated and it was necessary to implement a curfew starting at 6 p.m. and the intervention of riot police. “Whoever does not respect the curfew will be subjected to the arrest measure, today’s events were not a peaceful proposal but riots and illegal behavior and they will have to respond to this,” said the Washington DC police chief. Meanwhile, as mentioned, the national guard has also been mobilized. The sharpest judgment on the night of American non-democracy comes from a former Republican president of the United States, George W. Bush: “The images we have seen do not represent the United States, but rather a Republic of bananas.”

January 6, 2021 (change January 7, 2021 | 00:30)

