Published on: 10/26/2020 9:06 PM
Voltage at Milan, Turin and Naples during the demonstrations against the anti-Covid measures.
MILAN – In the Lombard metropolis, a hundred protesters shouting for ‘freedom, freedom’ and ‘we want money’ paraded through Corso Buenos Aires where firecrackers exploded and, as we learned, they threw a Molotov cocktail at a police car, which however was not taken. After heading towards Porta Venezia, you are now reaching Piazza della Repubblica. The protesters also attempted an assault, foiled by the police, under the Lombardy Region headquarters. After launching the smoke bombs, they broke through several barriers, overturned the containers and dismantled some temporary traffic dividers.
“I work and do the c …, you suckThus reacted a protester detained by the police in via Benedetto Marcello, Buenos Aires area, in Milan. During the clashes, protesters set fire to downtown streets, damaging outdoor areas and scooters, as well as throwing stones, firecrackers High-tension moments occurred near the headquarters of the Lombardy Region, in via Melchiorre Gioia, where the Protesters, some armed with chains, fueled the protest, while police officers responded by throwing smoke bombs.
TORINO – Launching of bottles, firecrackers and smoke bombs also in Piazza Castello in Turin. At least ten were arrested, including five Ultras. He will be charged with the crime of aggravated resistance to public official, falsehood and material damage. On the other hand, Digos is examining the position of the devastation hypothesis. He looted several stores, including luxury ones, on Via Roma. In via Accademia, near Piazza Carignano, all the outdoor areas have been uprooted and the road is a carpet of fragments.
In piazza Castello, near the Teatro Regio, you can see a small bonfire: a scooter and some wooden boards can be seen burning in the flames. A photojournalist was injured with a bottle on his head, thrown by the protesters. The man, whose general information is unknown, was taken by ambulance.
To the cry of ‘freedom, freedom, the virus does not exist, wake up‘, protesters gathered under the Region building, manned by the police, started a noisy protest. On the corner of via Roma there was a slight lightning charge, without contact, which repelled the crowd. Meanwhile, the protest moved from Piazza Castello to Via Roma, where some shop windows were smashed with stones collected from a construction site along the street. Numerous garbage cans were also smashed. The forces of order responded with tear gas to throw bottles and paper bombs.
NAPLES – In Naples the demonstration in Piazza Plebiscito, more than a thousand participants, became an improvised sit-in under the headquarters of the Campania region, which is reached at the end of a procession. Several representatives of sectors and categories intervened, affected by the closures and anti-Covid restrictions, foreseen by the last Dpcm and by the recent ordinances in the Campania Region. Representatives of the catering sector, bartender, but also of the world of animation and entertainment, of the temporary show, small artisans in the square. ‘Rebelde contra la Dpcm’, ‘De Luca resigns’, ‘I am a black worker, I also exist’, read some posters. The demonstration is peaceful and at the moment there are no tensions. The square is manned by the police.
Several banners were hung on the barriers of the subway work in the square: ‘Health comes first, but without money no masses are sung’, ‘You close us, you pay us’,’ To manage the emergency immediately, income for all / i ‘and a banner signed’ Restauradores sold ‘.
There was also the former general Antonio Pappalardo, animator of the movement of the so-called ‘orange vests’. There was also a relaxing gesture by a protester who offered a colored balloon to a policeman. The agent took it and smiled.
Naples, tension in the march against closures
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