Projection among travelers, prohibition of moving to second homes: the new ordinance


Plus ASL screening and controls at railway stations and airports, prohibition to move to second homes, obligation to undergo body temperature measurements. These, in essence, are the directives of the new regional ordinance that is valid from Saturday, December 12 to January 7, therefore, for the entire Christmas period.

In this way, the Campania Region wants to try to limit the negative effects that could arise from the recent opening of the Government to travel from one municipality to another.

The text of the ordinance

Without prejudice to the appearance of new measures as a consequence of the evolution of the epidemiological context, with reference to the territory of the Campania region, with effect from December 12, 2020 until January 7, 2021:

1.1. a mandate is given to AA.SS.LL. carry out, in conjunction with the Regional Crisis Unit, random controls of the body temperature of travelers arriving at the Capodichino airport (NA), as well as at the train stations of Naples, Naples-Afragola, Salerno, Caserta, Benevento and Battipaglia, Agropoli, Vallo della Lucania and Sapri, with trains that make interregional connections, as well as to perform diagnostic tests in case of temperatures above 37.5 ° C or in the presence of symptoms, even mild, compatible with the COVID virus -19 as well as molecular swabs in case of positive detection;
1.2. to travelers in transit at the stations indicated in point 1.1 above. It is mandatory to submit to the measurement of body temperature and examinations organized by the competent health authority when the temperature exceeds 37.5 ° C according to the methods organized in the individual stations, or other places, in accordance with the provisions of this disposition;
1.3. The competent Authorities are recommended to ensure the reinforcement of controls in the regional territory, including the arrival stations referred to in point 1.1., In order to detect any arrival or movement in violation of the provisions in force and the adoption of the consequent measures;
1.4. It’s done ban on moving to second homes, even if it is located in the regional territory, except for proven reasons of necessity or urgency.
2. For matters not covered by this Ordinance, the provisions of the Prime Minister’s Decree of December 3, 2020, as well as the regional provisions in force as of the date of this provision, continue to apply.
3. In accordance with the provisions of article 2 of Decree Law No. 33/2020, reconverted with modifications by Law No. 74 of July 14, 2020, unless the act constitutes a crime other than that contemplated in article 650 of the Penal Code, violations of the provisions of this Ordinance are punishable by payment, through an administrative sanction, in accordance with the provisions of article 4, paragraph 1, of Decree Law of March 25, 2020, n. 19, converted with amendments to Law 35 of 2020 and subsequent amendments In cases where the offense is committed in the exercise of a business activity, the
Accessory administrative sanction for the closure of the business or activity of 5 to 30 days. […] In accordance with the provisions of article 4, section 5, of the aforementioned decree-law No. 19 of March 25, 2020, in the event of repeated violation of this provision, the administrative penalty is doubled and the accessory penalty is applied to the maximum.
4. In accordance with the provisions of article 2, paragraph 2 bis of Decree Law No. 33/2020, transformed with modifications by Law No. 74 of July 14, 2020, the product of administrative fines related to violations of The provisions in force, verified after the entry into force of the law that converts the aforementioned decree-law, are delegated to the State when the violations are verified by officials, officials and agents of the State. The same proceeds are donated to the regions, provinces and municipalities when officials, officers and agents verify violations.
respectively, of the regions, provinces and municipalities.
