The Head of Infectious Diseases of the Sacco hospital in Milan in «L’Aria di Domenica» in La7 | CorriereTv
“I haven’t been able to get there yet vaccination flu shot. I am 69 years old, I am a health worker but I have not yet managed to get the flu vaccine. This is a real scandal. The infectious disease specialist at the Sacco hospital in Milan said: Massimo Galli, a ‘The air on Sunday up La7. “I am disciplinedly waiting – Galli continued – to have him in my hospital, but I have not yet achieved it. I hope they arrive on Monday. This is a real one scandal».
In broadcast Galli also spoke about the vaccine against COVID-19: “Not only do I get vaccinated in January, but I hope that a trial, which is part of phase 3 vaccines, can start soon at my center. In case the principal investigator has a conflict of interest ”, I propose“ to volunteer myself ”.