Problem: draft, Rt index drops to 0.91. Calculated on symptomatic cases – Policy


In the period from November 11 to 24, 2020, the mean transmissibility index Rt calculated in symptomatic cases was equal to 0.91. There are Rt point values ​​less than 1 in 16 Regions / PPAA. This was revealed in the draft of the weekly follow-up of Iss-Ministry of Health. Still: the Rt index is less than 1 in many Regions / HAPPs. In addition, for the second week in a row, the incidence of cases in the last 14 days decreased. These data “are encouraging and confirm the impact of the measures that accompany the decrease in hospitalizations in the medical area and in intensive care.; however, the pressure on hospital services remains very high. ”

In 5 regions, the punctual Rt transmissibility index is above the value 1. It is about Calabria (1.06), Lazio (1.04), Molise (1.38), Veneto (1.13) and Tuscany (1.01).

Three regions have been classified as high risk for 3 or more consecutive weeks: Calabria (as a precaution as it cannot be evaluated), Puglia me Sardinia. This provides for the adoption of specific measures at the provincial and regional level, takes note of the draft of the monitoring of the ISS-Ministry of Health.

“The impact of the epidemic on health services remains high. 18 Regions / ASPP, on December 1 had exceeded at least a critical threshold in the medical or intensive care area. The occupancy rate of ICU beds still exceeds the critical threshold for employment at the national level. In general, the number of people admitted to intensive care is decreasing: from 3,816 (11/24/2020) to 3,663 (12/01/2020); while the number of people admitted to medical areas has gone from 34,577 (11/24) to 32,811 (12/01/2020).

“It is observed an overall reduction in overall risk, with most Regions / HAPPs at moderate risk and, for the first time after seven weeks, two Low Risk, highlights the draft of the weekly monitoring issue-Ministry of Health.

This week there is a significant decrease in the incidence nationwide during the last 14 days: 590.65 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the 11/23 / 2020-29 / 11/2020 period compared to 706.27 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the 11/09 / 2020-22 / 11/2020 period, although this ” kept at very high levels. ” This was revealed by the follow-up project Iss-Ministry of Health.

The incidence is still too high to allow sustainable management, Thus it is necessary to reach levels of transmissibility significantly lower than 1 throughout the national territory, allowing a greater decrease in the number of new cases of infection and, consequently, a reduction in pressure on local health services and hospitals, we read in the weekly monitoring of the ISS.

We continue to observe a decrease in the number of cases not attributable to known transmission chains (62,617 compared to 77,541 in the previous week): this data – highlights the draft -, together with the increase in the percentage of cases detected through monitoring activities. Contact tracing (24.7% versus 17.1%) suggests an improvement in the follow-up activity itself.

“Although it is improving, there is still a general difficulty in maintaining the high quality of the data reported to the integrated surveillance system, both due to its timeliness (late notification of cases) and its completeness. The epidemiological data analyzed refer to the week of November 23-29, 2020, which is currently the most recent consolidated data available. As a consequence “this can lead to a possible underestimation of the transmission speed and incidence”, points out the follow-up project Iss-Ministry of Health.

“If we look at the dynamics of the RT, or contagion index, it went from 1.7 to 1.4 to 1.18 to 1.08 in a few weeks and today the monitoring data shows 0.91. In 5 weeks we went from a very worrying figure of 1.7 to a figure of 0.91. This does not mean a ‘narrow escape’, but rather that the measures have produced effects ”, he explained. the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, speaking at the Sole 24 Ore Health Summit. “It was the objective of the government and the regions,” he added, “to go below 1, we finally made it but there is still a very difficult game going on.”

“The objective is to avoid a new virus outbreak at the beginning of the year” because “at the end of January we plan to start the vaccination campaign: it will be an impressive, extraordinary and unprecedented operation. We need our energies to be directed to this and we cannot get to that moment of difficulty. ”“ We saw, in summer, how little it takes to fall back into a difficult situation, ”added Speranza, so“ we must prevent the Christmas holidays from getting us into trouble again. a few weeks. “ù” In the last 24 hours, almost 1000 deaths, one of the highest figures for this pandemic. Despite this, I still hear controversy. “Chancellor Luigi Di Maio underlined this in a publication on his profile of Facebook. “I can understand the disgust of the citizens, of those who perhaps due to the new anti-covid rules will not be able to spend Christmas with the family, but politics will not. Politics cannot continually make controversy, it cannot criticize everything in an instrumental way, “he said, written by Di Maio.
