The cost is borne by the requesting private entity. The tests must be carried out in accordance with the specific prescriptions provided by law.
The maximum applicable rate is the one established with DGR 652/2020, that is, 80 euros, pending the corresponding technical table that confirms its adaptation to current market costs.
Any positive result of the test must in any case be communicated to the competent Prevention Department by the execution laboratory for the implementation of virus containment actions and for epidemiological analysis.
Below is the list of accredited private laboratories of the Covid Network
- Lifebrain – Lecce
- Thank you Mother -Squinzano (LE)
- Monteronese – Veglie (LE)
- Ditonno – Bari
- Center for clinical and hormonal analysis – Foggia
- Mardighian – Mesagne (BR)
- Extralab – Bisceglie (BT)
- Biomedical – Parabita (LE)
- Cusmai – Bari
- Papagni – Trani (BT)
- Pennetti- Barberini-Tempio -Barletta (BT)
- Modeo – Avetrana (TA)
- Clinical Laboratory – Leverano (LE)
- Ettorre – Statte (TA)
- Villani – San Giovanni Rotondo (FG)
- Forcina – Galatina (LE)
“In Italy, and therefore also in Puglia – declares the president of the Puglia Region Michele Emiliano – the swab used for molecular analysis for the diagnosis of Covid is free. It is free when indicated, that is, when there are symptoms. individuals or the subject is a close contact of a positive. This is the system that keeps all public health in place. Clearly there are also cases where a citizen may wish to benefit regardless of a specific indication or symptoms that they suspect In this case, we thought it was correct to allow Apulians to access accredited private laboratories, to clear up a doubt or to build their health project and verification of their negativity, in order to respect the Constitution and therefore allow that everyone, as with other health services such as X-rays or blood tests, can obtain them for free ”.
Currently – Emiliano added – the maximum rate that can be applied in these cases is 80 euros, but the city council immediately ordered councilor Pierluigi Lopalco to submit this rate to verification, which dates back to the time when the cost of reagents was quite high. high due to shortage in the market
I’m also working to lower this maximum rate. This does not mean that this fee must necessarily be applied, on the contrary we hope that the accredited private laboratories will be immediately transparent and consistent with the real costs of performing these analyzes from this point of view ”.
“Today begins my new adventure in the Council of the Puglia Region – said the Councilor for Health Policies Pier Luigi Lopalco – it is a particular moment, it is a critical moment, not only for us Apulians, not only for us Italians, but for all of Europe and for the whole world In Europe in particular we are in the middle of the second wave and Italy at this point
Following the same fate as other countries close to us, such as the United Kingdom, France, Spain, the second wave is currently experiencing. An appeal to all citizens: we must help each other. Those of us who represent public health must help prevent the impact on the hospital system. A system that must continue to function. But
we can only achieve this with the help of all citizens. Let’s be careful. “