priority to who can survive


New shock document on the guidelines to follow for choose who to save in times of crowded hospitals. On the website ofHigher Institute of Health A protocol for use by anesthesiologists has been published on the parameters to follow when deciding who to intubate.

ISS: criteria for choosing who to save

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità has published a new intensive care protocol, to help anesthetists decide who to save when beds are exhausted. The title of the document, reported by Messenger, is “ICU decisions in case of disproportion between care needs and available resources during the COVID-19 pandemic”.

It was performed by the Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care (Siaarte) and the Italian Society of Legal Medicine and Insurance. A similar practice occurs during natural disasters.

The current pandemic situation “makes it necessary to resort to resource allocation options.” For resuscitations, this means having to determine who “will be more or less likely to overcome critical condition with the support of intensive care “.

Resuscitation units loaded as in March

This means that however, age is not the only criterion on the basis of which it will be necessary to choose to whom to dedicate the resources. The parameters that the ISS is currently examining are only 12. The decision, in some cases, could also be left to the patient.

A similar document was also released in March, during the first wave of coronavirus.

“The scenario in which we find ourselves in March regrettably returns to our days with an intensity and duration that still cannot be quantified”, affirms the president of Siaarte, Flavia Petrini.

The patient, reads the document, must in any case “have his rights guaranteed and be sure that he will be treated with the possible means”.
