priority to the elderly and health workers


The regional vaccine storage centers and also the health facilities that will administer the first doses, destined in the initial phase to health workers and directors, have been defined in Emilia-Romagna, in agreement between the Department of Health Policies and Health and Hospitals. residential for seniors.

As requested by the Ministry of Health, the Region immediately took action to contribute to the development of the national plan, identifying suitable places for storage – particularly freezers that allow temperatures down to -85 degrees – and for the storage of anti-Covid vaccines (from Pfizer-Biontech).

Places that, for security reasons as required at the national level, are not disclosed.

To carry out the recognition of the storage centers and sanitary facilities chosen for the administration of the first doses, the heads of the Regional Directorate of Sanitary Policies, the general directors of all the sanitary and hospital companies, met today in a meeting by videoconference of viale Aldo Moro.

Regarding the selection criteria, the health establishments, from Piacenza to Rimini, were identified on the basis of the areas of influence, the health personnel employed, as well as those that operate in the area and can reach the center in 30 -60 minutes. .
