With a note of September 1 signed by the Head of Department Max Bruschi the Ministry gives a forceful counter-order on the subject of the evaluation of primary school students.
The note clarifies that Decree Law 22 provided that “Notwithstanding article 2, paragraph 1, of the legislative decree April 13, 2017, n.62, of the 2020/2021 school year, the final evaluation of the learning of students in primary classes, for each of the study disciplines contemplated in the national indications of the curriculum, is expressed through a descriptive judgment collected in the evaluation document and referred to different levels of learning, according to the terms and methods defined by order of the Ministry of Education “.
Actually – argues Max Bruschi – “The law currently has nothing to do with the mid-term evaluation, which is therefore governed in accordance with article 2, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 62/2017 and, therefore, with a vote of tenths.”
If it is intended to eliminate the numerical vote also in the intermediate evaluations, legislative changes are necessary.
Therefore, Max Bruschi suggests that the problem cannot be solved with the adoption of the ministerial order envisaged by decree 22.
The ministerial note is a real cold shower for teachers and principals of primary schools and one more problem for the minister to face.