“Quite a ridiculous question.” Andrea Orlando head of delegation of P.S in government? Former Minister of Justice, in predicate to replace Luciana Lamorgese Alabama Viminale, he is evidently ashamed of general in La7. Alessandra sardoni she presses him, and he walks away: “I asked another question. Conte should build some political connection figures. The thing about the head of delegation is very useful, but if it becomes a passage before the council of ministers it runs the risk of being … ”.
“The Gianni Letta de ConteWith the delegation to services? “, the landlady nailed him.” Yes, it must be done. Both Conte and Matteo renzi they screwed up our method: first we discuss what to do and then who does it. Otherwise, all things that interest Italians go to the background. “And we inevitably end up talking about couches, with the Democratic Party in the front row, whether we want to or not.