Regional numbers and national algorithms color Puglia orange, classified in the intermediate risk range. For now. Because those numbers, and soon perhaps algorithms as well, could draw a different scenario: Puglia in the red zone. Doctors are crying out for it, but even Pierluigi Lopalco himself (epidemiologist and regional health adviser in pectore) is sounding the alarm. Not only that: the Region, right at this time, could present to the government a formal request to paint red, thus applying the restrictions of the last Dpcm, at least a slice of Puglia. The advance of the coronavirus in the provinces of Bat and Foggia seems uncontrolled and the pressure on hospitals is beginning to be unbearable. The trend in the Bari area remains under observation: the numbers continue to grow at a rapid pace, but the curve appears to be cooling slightly. The epidemiological picture in the Tarantino area was also closely monitored, while the spread of infection in Brindisi and in the province of Lecce was more reassuring (relatively, of course). The definition of new red zones, however, passes from the caudine bifurcations of the dpcm and the agreement with the government. Which could also reject any internal nuance (Bat and Foggia in red, the rest in orange) and decree the jump to the highest risk range for all of Puglia. Yesterday, meanwhile, 1,044 new cases, but only with 4,425 swabs: the percentage of positives jumped to 23.6%. 36 deaths, a total of 1,021.
The pressure from the doctors is incessant. The new appeal comes from Filippo Anelli, president of the Order of Bari and of Fnomceo (the federation of the Orders of all Italy): “The virus continues to spread at a worrying speed in Puglia. Councilor Lopalco immediately asks the government to turn Puglia into a red region ”. Anelli’s examination focuses on the recent trend: “This is confirmed by the numbers arrived yesterday, which reveal that in the last week (9-15 November) 8,737 new cases were registered, with an average daily increase of 1,248, compared to the 7,075 new cases and a daily average of 1,011 the previous week. The total number of hospitalized goes from 5,284 in the previous week to 8,120 today (+2,836), while patients in intensive care go from 754 to 1,053 (+299). Patients in home isolation are also growing: they have gone from 93,346 to 140,093 (+46,747) ». Therefore: «The restrictions adopted cannot stop the spread of the virus. With these growth rates we run the risk of collapsing the system. It is urgent to immediately adopt more restrictive measures ”.
Today could be a crucial day. Certainly, Apulia is in the middle of war. Yesterday in the province of Foggia there were 426 new infections, 267 in the Bari area, 127 in the province of Taranto, 110 in the province of Bat, 71 in the province of Lecce, 50 in the province of Brindisi, 3 residents outside of the region. Nineteen of the victims resided in the province of Bari, 2 in the province of Bat, 2 in the province of Brindisi, 8 in the province of Foggia, 2 in the province of Lecce, 3 in the province of Taranto, and another 5 must join the calculation in the Ionian province. There are 1,477 hospitalized (36 more in a briefcase, after partial braking), in intensive care there are 179 patients. At 31% and 44% the occupancy rate of the beds in the intensive and in the rest of the Covid departments.
The eventual migration, in whole or in part, of Puglia from the orange zone to the red zone would be something of an unprecedented one, given that up until now the governors have always pushed to collect more lenient report cards. According to the latest report from the Higher Institute of Health, Puglia would continue to be orange, although with some alerts linked mainly to the risk of collapse of the health system: the trend of cases (increasing), the risk classification (high), the variation percentage of cases in the space of a week, the Rt (at 1.44, however, the virus transmission index is low), the saturation of the beds, the percentage of positive swabs excluding screening and -testing. However, the jump to the red zone requires a detailed evaluation by the government, which weighs the requirements. And that could, as mentioned, take the measure for all of Puglia. No internal zoning. However, the tricolor mechanism conceived by the executive with the last Dpcm provides very precise times, which Health Minister Roberto Speranza seems willing to enforce, without derogations.
At the national level, the epidemic curve no longer shows an exponential trend, but it is too early to be happy: the number of infections continues to rise and the ratio between positive cases and buffers has reached the highest value recorded in this second epidemic wave. touching 18%. Although the peak of the epidemic curve is expected between late November and early December, according to experts, any forecast for Christmas is premature.
Last updated: 13:17