president of Sporting Village and founder of Nadir


Palermo’s sport loses one of its pillars. Giulio Caiazzo, president of Sporting Village, died in Cervello hospital where he was admitted due to complications from the Coronavirus. Originally from Campania, he was 72 years old. He had been the architect of the reopening of the Sporting Village sports center in Bonagia.

“The Sporting Village is in mourning – read the sports hall’s Facebook page – President Giulio Caiazzo passed away on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, the main driver of Sporting’s rebirth with its reopening in the summer of 2011. We are shocked and dismayed. close to his wife Marinella, his son Robert, his loving nephews Camille and Agate and the whole family. Thank you and good wind Giulio! “.

Tennis is one of Caiazzo’s great passions, but not only. He was a partner in the Sicilian sailing center and had also been a founding partner in 1992 of the swimming company Nadir, Sprint, Nadim and Be-fit.

“What a terrible thing to write about the death of someone who was a friend, a brother and even a father to me – writes Giuseppe Morici, president of Nadir on the company’s website – Di Giulio does not want to remember the immense entrepreneurial qualities and the great organizational skills and I want to remember the true great qualities of Giulio, the ones that should keep him alive throughout our life, the ones that make him great and unique. Always positive and proactive in every situation, even in the most desperate, capable of expressing and transmitting an inexhaustible energy.. Close to the weak helping them in every way and intelligent with the strong and the bullies. But what is even more important and difficult, capable of forgiving even the opponents. Hi Giulio I am sure that you example and your affection will keep you alive for a long time in our hearts and in our behavior “.
