premises closed at midnight and smart work


+ 155% of cases in the province of Latin from October 4. 29 cases reported by ASL today, two of which return from Lombardy. An increase that has worried the health authorities and that, therefore, has triggered new containment measures that will take effect as of midnight today. Currently, the ordinance is valid for two weeks. A mini lock, which encourages smart work and provides for a ban on gathering in front of schools, public places and offices, and a maximum number of four people at the table in pubs, bars and restaurants.

The order in detail

In detail, the ordinance states:

  • maximum twenty people at private parties, even after religious ceremonies. The latter will continue to be regulated with the provisions still in force. All participants must be registered
  • maximum four people per table in restaurants and in food and beverage service areas. Guests must be one meter apart
  • early closing of pubs, bars and restaurants at midnight
  • Obligation to display, at the entrance of commercial establishments and offices open to the public, a sign indicating the maximum number of people admitted at the same time, in relation to the size of the premises and in compliance with social distancing
  • prohibition of gathering in the areas in front of the access of schools, banks, post offices and other public offices as well as in public places (squares, parks, beaches, etc …)
  • Prohibition of access to sanitary, socio-sanitary and social assistance facilities for visits to family or friends in the hospital or regulated access, but only “in exceptional cases and with the prior written authorization of the health manager of the hospitalization facility” .
  • close the number of people who can attend gyms, dance schools, and indoor sports activities at the same time. It will also be necessary to put up posters indicating the number of people who can be present at the same time. Surveillance activity is the responsibility of the operator
  • smart work should be encouraged

D’Amato: “Too many cases, necessary measures”

“The order of the president is a necessary measure to contain the numbers of virus that in the last week have experienced a considerable increase in relation to the resident population – declared in a note the regional health adviser Alessio D’Amato – The measures required by the ASL and contained in the ordinance are intended to guarantee the quota and distancing social for prevent further increase in cases. We trust in the spirit of collaboration of all interested parties and in the activation of the appropriate controls by the competent institutions. It is essential, at this stage, to respect these norms, which do not want to be punitive in the least, but rather preventive to avoid greater and more severe limitations throughout the province ”.
