Premier under threat? – Free diary


“There are rumors of an abrupt phone call from Beppe Grillo a Giuseppe Conte“. Dagospia drops the bomb on the Palazzo Chigi still “on vacation” and opens up to catastrophic scenarios (for Foggia’s lawyer, of course). The premier has resurfaced from the 10-day vacation (allegedly in the company of his girlfriend Olivia palladino) and above all silence to guarantee the mayor of Lampedusa Totò Martello and the Sicilian governor Nello musumeci who will meet with them on Wednesday (calmly) to address the issue of landings and migrants. In the meantime, however, there are a couple of thorny situations where you risk seeing your chair jump: in chronological order, schools reopening (with the minister Lucia azzolina literally shattered, crushed among the other ministers and technicians in a devastating ballet of rumors and denials) and, 7 days later, the vote for the referendum and regional in a climate of new emergency coronavirus. If the vote goes as it seems (with the victory of the center-right), for the majority of P.S me M5 it would be difficult to resist the impact and Conte himself would be the one to pay the taxes.

Here is the only real alternative to Conte.  Twist, indiscreet from the Palace: sinister catastrophe, changes the panorama

Behind the scenes but very active, he explains. There is, Conte would have been very angry with him Corriere della Sera “that got into your mouth that there won’t be a second lock, terrified that he will be blamed for the possible disaster of the opening of the schools. “The problem is that, as mentioned, the prime minister lacks political coverage as both the Pd and the M5 are torn apart by infighting over leadership and consequently its The same alliance is questioned. In this delicate climate, Conte must move like a ballerina on eggs. And for that very reason, he writes Dagospia, the Elevato Grillo “in mode vaffa, He said thatbe very carefulTranslation: “It will cost me nothing to cut your threads and send you back to the cone of shadow.”
