Before even appearing before the cameras of Palazzo Chigi for the press conference of the Dpcm that will govern Christmas and the next two weeks in general, Giuseppe Conte has been overwhelmed by controversies and insults from Italians. The demise of the prime minister was really swift: in the first wave he had received almost the support of the Bulgarians, while in the second very few were willing to give him credit.
Conte made it really great this time around Christmas: first he announced restrictions in November to spend the holiday period in a “peaceful” way, then in early December he signed a Dpcm with the rules for Christmas and finally now he has made another one to tighten further measurements, actually ordering a national blockade with some difficult to interpret exceptions (as usual).
The Prime Minister’s Twitter announcement was flooded with negative comments like never before: things that even a magician does not like Rocco casalino it is capable of fading. The most notorious (and therefore less heavy) comments range from “our confidence in this government is long gone, go” to “now that you have saved Christmas, we are preparing to save Easter as well.” But there are those who hope that this is “one of the last press conferences of the Conte era.”