Rome, December 5, 2020 – The government has decided: the national vaccine storage center anti Covid for the Italian mass vaccination campaign will be the site of the Defense a Pratica di Mare. The extraordinary curator Domenico Arcuri made the announcement, according to the Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. Already on December 3, Arcuri had anticipated the identification of the hub, highlighting that it was in a “public place of maximum security”. The site is strategic also as a position, being located a fraction of the municipality of Pomezia, and therefore in the Metropolitan city of rome Capital.
December 5 coronavirus bulletin
Esperanza: mandatory vaccinations? Not for now
Meanwhile, on SkyTtg 24 at the ‘Live In’ event, Health Minister Speranza declares: “The government plans to achieve herd immunity. We will start with the voluntary setup of vaccination. And we will assess where it will go.” And he continues: “Citizens are aware that the vaccine is the way to defeat this virus, and I believe that Italians will rise to this challenge.” The government “will have to make a great campaign, so that everyone has the elements to convince themselves to get vaccinated. Then we will evaluate in the course of the work if the conditions exist to achieve this objective with these approaches.” Therefore, the minister does not exclude the use of the obligation, but also without ever talking about the obligation of vaccination.
How is the Pratica di mare site
The one in Pratica di mare is a military intermodal center of large dimensions, optimal for the subsequent distribution of vaccines: in fact, it is capable of housing air carriers, helicopters and a center of gravity for road connectivity.
The precious vaccine vials will focus on site, where available great shelters, which will guarantee maximum efficiency for conservation and the highest levels of safety for populations.
Then the vaccines are delivered there and they will be distributed, by the Armed Forces, to the numerous administration points that the plan has arranged throughout the national territory, always in conditions of maximum security.
At the Mario de Bernardi military airport in Pratica di Mare there is: one Weather Station, the headquarters of the Air Force Meteorological Service, other departments of the Air Force, but also of State Police, Guardia di Finanza and Carabinieri.
Where is
Because it’s a famous base
The place is infamous – the center stayed downtown for years wreck of the Ustica DC9: 81 people (including 13 children) died on that plane in the crash of June 27, 1080. Only thirty-nine bodies were found and recovered. After recovery, between 1987 and 1991, the wreck remained at the disposal of the Judiciary for investigations until June 5, 2006, when it moved and settled in Memory Museum, specially prepared for Bologna
In addition, the Pratica di Mare air base is famous for the important meeting, which took place in May 2002, during which a collaboration agreement was signed between NATO and Russia. Silvio Berlusconi, who then headed the Italian government, has often repeated in recent years that it was precisely in Pratica di Mare that the Cold War ended.
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