Cesare Prandelli is positive for COVID-19 And it almost seems like a curse We are all close to the viola coach, we wish him good luck, it is obvious that the first concern was for his health, but luckily he is asymptomatic and that is a great relief. It is trivial and obvious to say that it was not absolutely necessary and at this particular time.
In the most delicate period, when the work of the new coach came to life, on the eve of the clash with the Genoa, shit like that will probably be another big hit.
For the protocol of the Football Association last October, “asymptomatic people who tested positive for COVID-19, you can return to the community after a period of isolation of at least 10 days from the onset of positivity, at the end of which a molecular test with a negative result (ten days + test) is performed “, therefore, in theory Prandelli should miss Monday’s game with him Genoa and return on Friday, December 11, on the eve of the game against Atalanta. But the situation will have to be monitored day by day also because in recent times the interpretations of the protocol have been the most varied. It is useless to give examples, we know very well what we are talking about.
The only certainty is that, unfortunately, the work of Prandelli it will suffer a slowdown and many complications. It is true that even from his home where he is in fiduciary quarantine, the coach will continue with everything and everyone, he has an excellent squad with a trusted second. Pin at the head, now there is also the former viola Marco Donadel And not only that, technological systems will help a lot in direct relationships and technician interventions, but daily contact, psychological and motivational as well as technical-tactical work, carried out in the presence is something else. The hope is that the group will become even more responsible, from this negative news it will be able to draw strength to react. I hope that the most experienced and charismatic players gather the group and transmit an impact, a way of giving a signal to the whole environment and solidarity for the coach. A similar event happened to him recently Pioli he too asymptomatic, he was not on the bench not even on Sunday against Fiorentina, and the Milan reacted great with two consecutive victories, I hope the same attitude from the Fiorentina.
Fortunately, the other swabs performed gave negative results, this does not mean that the Fiorentina has paid for COVID-19 a very strong tribute already last spring, but also recently with Thumb, Alley and even Joe barone.
The team, always by protocol, has entered the bubble, practically isolated, and will continue to prepare for Monday’s game. More tampons are expected after 48 hours.
It is a very difficult time for all of football, even the Genoa, Viola’s next opponent, has made a promise with the top reached in the away game Naples, but almost all teams have touched.
For Monday Prandelli I had in mind to continue trusting the players chosen in the last races, Vlahovic understood, and in this sense the work of Pin. Cesare expects a lot from Ribéry, Alley, Borja Valero, Buenaventura and the captain PezzellaThey are the ones who can turn the season around with temperament and experience, in addition to their technical qualities.
Needless to say, the problems are many, all highlighted dramatically in the last few races that make this start to the championship the worst since I played for three points. The goal pain is turning into a stone to bear, four hundred minutes without screaming is an eternity. From here we have to start again, we need an immediate change of course even if qualifying is very short and there are still 29 races to play.
Meanwhile yesterday Pradè has returned to speak in public and self-criticism credits him. He also made mistakes, of course, but he is right when he says that the values of this team are very different. The problem, however, is that when a bug enters the locker room, it is first difficult to identify and then to make it disappear. I did not like the Tafazzian attitude and the excess of auto-fragmentation of the purple DS, in moments of difficulty like this you have to take out your chest, muscles and something else, but we understand each other. “This is not a sixteenth team, shit …”, shouted any marine sergeant in the locker room and the same cry should resonate in everyone’s heads, coaches, technicians and players, in the sports hall every day. Davide asori.
What about if He COVID-19 makes adrenaline relationship with fans impossible if they can’t understand what Purple people And what it can give you, players must find the motivations within them: time is up. We gladly talk about tactics, coaching mistakes and other things that are at the root of this disaster, but enough is enough. In cases like these, while waiting for a full recovery, one can and should make up for it with character. Monday comes the Genoa, the Fiorentina you have to think only about winning, you have to approach as if it were a final or it was the Real Madrid.
This is what everyone expects, starting with Rocco who pays salaries with absolute regularity and these days it is not cheap.
Pradè He also spoke about the transfer market in January and seems to understand from his words that it will be difficult to find a good striker, capable of solving goal problems immediately. We believe it, but let’s talk about it. I Vlahovic, Cutrone me Kouame do not unlock and the Fiorentina does not restart, something will have to be done. And maybe not just the forward. Nobody asks for players with twenty goals in January, but it does not seem difficult to me to find one more functional than these three prisoners of a prolonged negative moment from which they cannot escape. Of course I hope I am proven wrong with the goals from Monday.
Meanwhile, he has also returned to appear. Commisso who at this time chose the low profile. Finally, I add. He replied in writing to a nice letter from friends. Purple scoglioni and sadly, it confirmed what our suspicions expressed in last Tuesday’s editorial.
too Rocco He fears that the stadium remains “a perhaps impossible dream”, how can he be wrong? And the mayor too Nardella yesterday he tried to be a Christian Democrat, essentially saying there were no bulldozers or rear-guard battles for the Francs, but a fair compromise for modernization. Too bad just modernizing is not enough for Rocco and it is not functional for the budgets of the Fiorentina, as has been said several times. But, he seems to understand, unfortunately Campi is no longer even mentioned. A shame …
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