Posthumous letter to Jole Santelli, the good governor


15 October 2020 18:18

Cara Jole,
I am writing to you now that you can no longer read me and I am writing to tell you what you have been for this beautiful and unfortunate land.

You came on tiptoe, less than a year ago, wanted by Berlusconi himself to lead the poorest, backward and marginal region of the country. He, the Knight, who ruled Italy for more than 8 years, who was the leader of a grand coalition for three decades and who despite his unlimited power had never managed to personally single out the candidate for the Calabrian presidency. The territory had chosen Occhiuto, your friend and mayor of your city. Salvini objected, vetoed only because he was under investigation. Versus warranty. How uncomfortable it is for a liberal like you to have an ally like the one you have trusted yourself several times … The fact is that he involuntarily gave you the best assistance: Berlusconi at that moment took the situation in hand and pointed to one of his own . Jole santelli. And it has not been discussed anymore.

A life in Go Italy, always at the service of politics, a great deputy experience, donna strong and at the same time humble: I got to know him better during the January electoral campaign, and I had confirmation of those feelings gained in the few contacts of the previous years. A real policy, from other times against the drift of the bipartisan populists of the social era. Never a word out of place. Never a rash gesture. But much election courage and theingenuity to do. In addition to awareness of one’s own limits, an increasingly rare quality. Your strength freedom, of your huge distance from deviant logic from the underworld. Qualities and virtues confirmed in the first months of government, when always with availability and kindness you answered this annoying journalist who called at any time of the day or night to find out about this ordinance or that statement.

In January you were elected with great enthusiasm, then you built a quality council by bringing the Last captain assigning it the most sensitive sector: the environment and waste. For culture and education you have chosen another great woman as Sandra savaglio, world renowned scientist and pride of our Calabria. Then the pandemic came and you handled it better than anyone to the point that even the New York Times ti, e ci, gave you a very beautiful cover. The system of “red zones” in the small municipalities where an outbreak was born has allowed us to root out all outbreaks of contagion. You acted without using alarmist tones, without verbally violating your people as did some of your barbarians who have chosen to speculate on the emergency for mere political-electoral interest. Even now, in the second wave, Calabria is the least affected region on the entire European continent thanks to the method of great care that it has been able to coordinate and consult with all the other competent authorities, the prefects, the ASLs, the hospitals. You have Misconceptions about Calabrian healthcare have been denied., about the organization of our projection system and acted with enormous courage when, in full lockdown, at the end of April, he authorized the places that had outdoor tables when they reopened.

You fought the politics of the egocentric on facebook who then don’t have the courage to take responsibility silently, by doing: you acted like a sensitive mom of a weak and lost territory. You led a Region in a time of enormous difficulty with the correct authority and so much understanding. How many have you combined for those tables open early and in which, delivered by hand, nobody got infected: but the government is of the opposite political color, so it had to oppose you regardless.

His eyes lit up when he spoke of Calabria’s “reputation” during the election campaign. And it will certainly not be a coincidence if the last post on his facebook page, published a few hours before his death, tells of Gabriele Muccino’s short film “Calabria my land”, which will be presented on Tuesday, October 20 at the Film Festival of Rome. That they dare not cancel or postpone the event. Who knows how mad you would be up there. You said you wanted to work to change the image of Calabria and in a few months, despite the emergencies, you succeeded. Even before the short.

Those outdoor tables were enough, the contagion data so contained were enough to transform the forgotten Calabria into most popular tourist destination of summer 2020 when our tour operators recovered from dramatic lockdown losses in two months, hosting a number of visitors unprecedented in history.

You loved Calabria, my dear Jole. You loved her very much, how you liked her dance the tarantella barefoot. Someone criticized you for this, and last week I did it too because you danced it without a mask, in a closed and crowded place while it was in force its ordinance that required us all to wear the mask even outdoors and in isolated areas. Of course, the problem was not that you were dancing tarantella. But I considered it wrongliberticidal ordinance, very disproportionate to the rules of science and common sense, as well as to the regional epidemiological situation, fortunately still calm and absolutely under control. But I have not disputed Jole santelli, but your choice that was wrong before and is still wrong now that you’re dead. Now that you are gone and that is why it is easy for many to become a myth, almost a hero of a people. Even those who have been slaughtering and offending you for free for months are doing it. You are no longer there. It always happens like this. They are gods shameless dwarfs.

They tried to make you suffer with considerations homophobic and subcultured. That didn’t scratch you. Your party is the emblem of women’s rights and gender equality, as demonstrated by concrete facts, from parliamentary rules to high office, all covered by women’s competitions. But unlike thehysterical pride feminismyou wanted to be called President. Jole santelli he was the governor. How much contempt those gave you pussy champion who want to be called “Mayor” or “Minister”. Poor things. They need the “a” instead of the “o” to feel like women. They were shocked even when Berlusconi’s joke that he told us in Tropea that he never gave it to him in 26 years smiled at him. You want to put the pleasure in claiming the rights of women as they do libertine of the Femen, in front of those who silently, without undressing or parading down the street, approved the stalking law that today in Italy is a crime only thanks to the meticulous work of Mara Carfagna, or to Code Red that recognizes the rejection of forced marriage and increases the guarantees for women victims of violence and orphans of femicide, approved by Forza Italia with the decisive contribution of Giusy Versace, Matilde Siracusano, Mariastella gelmini, Anna Rita Bernini, Stefania Prestigiacomo, Giusi Bartolozzi, Maria Rizzotti, Donatella conzatti, Urania Giulia Rosina Papatheu is the same Mara Carfagna?

As governor dear Jole, you have shown in these 8 months a full of passion and calabrian pride that no man of your predecessors had ever raised that chair so uncomfortable and cursed. Your positive spirit, your desire to do things, your enthusiasm as a strong and free woman have helped us all to be. Calabrian a little more proud of ourselves.

I don’t know what will remain of all this; I want to wait for a deep groove. I want to hope that the spirit of a Region with 2 million inhabitants goes beyond the teaching of an individual. Short but intense. I want to hope that your testimony, your action, your commitment will leave us something.

If you can, make one last effort: protect us from above. Because we really need it: the way you left is yet another joke that Calabrians have to suffer helplessly.

Have a good trip Presidentand thanks for everything.
