AGI – The leading group of the Senate to discuss the Christmas process was updated on Monday but gave the green light to move between municipalities, a knot of the dispute between the executive and the regions for weeks, a axis between the center-right and a part of the majority. Leu and M5 are lukewarm, Pd and Iv insist they are.
The urgent request must be accepted next week, with the subsequent scheduling of the motions of the political forces at Palazzo Madama. The hypothesis of deferring to Parliament, proposed by the executive, runs the risk of a convergence between the opposition forces and those of the red-yellow front. And to create a new gap in the numbers.
That is why the government is being asked to step forward. Prime Minister Conte already opened last night about the possibility of changing direction, but modifying the decree in the midst of a health emergency is considered the least viable way. It is more feasible to address changes in “exceptions”, or justifications on the state of necessity. With the so-called Palazzo Chigi Faq. ‘Expand’ the links on family reunification.
The movement of the red-yellows does not indicate the way, asks the executive to indicate a path, while the center-right intends to change the perimeter, or open the ‘border’ of the municipalities and delimit it to the provinces. He was the leader of the group dem in the Senate Marcucci in recent days to ask to change the law and even Italy insists alive. “We are delighted that President Conte has realized that it is necessary to review the law that prohibits travel even between small towns at Christmas,” says the president of the Italian deputies Viva Boschi.
“Beyond the political likes or dislikes, I think it is a matter of common sense, Italian families are waiting for good news”, relaunches Salvini.
The Prime Minister will now see group leaders and heads of delegation on his return to discuss the matter. But at this point the “rigorist” wing of the executive resists and considers it wrong to introduce less strict restrictions during the Christmas holidays. But Conte – observes a fourth parliamentary source – cannot allow himself to open another front within his majority ”.