“Possible new restrictive measures in addition to the Dpcm”


“Covid is growing throughout Italy and Liguria is no exception. The only real focus of our attention today is the city of Genoa, where the spread of the virus is important. For this reason, with Mayor Bucci we will wait for the draft of the next Dpcm to avoid duplication of measures but, for the districts of Genoa in which there is more attention, it is possible that we will also decide on new restrictive measures, obviously always with common sense, knowing that we are talking about neighborhoods and people who are already exhausted and we would not want to be killed by an increasingly difficult economic situation to protect them from the covid. The president of the Region Giovanni Toti said about the significant increase in cases registered on Sunday, October 11 in Liguria, and especially in Asl 3.

“Today’s new positives – Toti adds – are from bulletin 386 in Liguria, but the real cases are about 286 at the regional level, with growth in line with the other days but always high. 3334 swabs were made, to which antigenic swabs that are not registered in the ministerial bulletin should also be added. The pressure on the hospitals continues to be manageable, we remain in phase 2 of the incremental bed plan, without closing or reducing the activity in choice and, indeed, we are trying to recover the one that was suspended during the confinement.

Specifically, the data analysis shows that “of the 320 new cases registered in the metropolitan area, 102 are not attributable to investigations carried out yesterday: 57 in fact come from confirmations of the quick swabs carried out last Friday and Saturday by the clinic Commenda di Prè. And 45 others -explains the governor- derive from a delay in the transmission of data related to swabs carried out in the last days and registered today. In the metropolitan area, the new cases linked to follow-up in the last 24 hours are in fact, about 220 -Specifies Toti- and most of them come from the historic center and the districts of Sampierdarena, Cornigliano and Rivarolo, which have received more attention in recent days. In addition, 9 positives derive from the school system that continues to be monitored and 10 of the Rsa ».

Diffusion in the historic center

Regarding the spread of the virus in the historic center, Toti explains that “the circulation of the covid varies between 5 and 10 new positives for every 10,000 inhabitants, compared to an average city of less than 2 new positives for every 10,000 inhabitants. There is thus a big difference and it is the reason why in the last days with Mayor Bucci we have introduced more containment measures such as the mandatory masks “As for the other provinces”, in Asl1 the new positives are 22: in Imperia there is a group determined by a marriage that took place at the end of September and that later produced a multiplication of cases and traces. In La Spezia, on the other hand, where until a few weeks ago the main outbreak in Liguria and the main point of attention took place, today there are only 28 new positives so the situation has also been resolved thanks to the measures taken.

Increase in hospitalized

The number of people hospitalized is increasing: “Today we register 16 more patients in hospitals but those in intensive care are stable. Above all, the number of hospitalizations in San Martino is growing, which has assumed the greatest pressure from the virus on the metropolitan city.

Next, the president expressed his condolences to the relatives of the two people who died at the San Martino Polyclinic hospital.

The first draft of the new Dpcm will be presented to the Regions on Monday

In view of the government’s new Dpcm, Toti explains that “today I heard Minister Boccia by phone and tomorrow the first draft of the Dpcm will be delivered to the Regions, which will have to come into force on Thursday and will provide some additional restrictions to try to maintain infections. under control”. and not end up like other European states that have seen the pandemic grow a lot. Therefore, the Dpcm could finally contain, thanks also to the insistence of the Regions, the possibility of using rapid swabs as a screening or diagnostic element ”.

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«Today, in fact, Toti continues, when a quick swab is” non-negative “, the result must be confirmed by a traditional molecular swab. If the government authorizes us as the Regions have requested, the rapid test will suffice and this will allow us to isolate and track many more people in a much more reasonable time. As well as the quarantine period could be reduced to 10 days, since the average incubation time does not exceed 7 days. These are positive elements. There will also be the obligation to wear a mask for everyone, except for those who practice sports, and other limitations that are the result of the work of the CTS and the comparison with the Regions. What we are saying to the government and I have told Minister Boccia is to try to harm as little as possible an economy that is in trouble, with 10% of GDP missing in the country. As far as bars, restaurants, food and beverage administration are concerned, we must try to take the minimum measures to contain infections but without causing closures especially penalized for activities that have already suffered a lot ”.
