With the latest decree signed by the Prime Minister, in Italy there are differentiated restrictions from region to region depending on the range of contagion risk: the most restrictive measures will reach the areas that will be considered red, such as a travel ban, closed shops, activity driving close to home for two weeks. Sileri: “The red or orange areas are definitions that can be modulated in the coming weeks”
Italy divided into three bands with the last Dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte (LE MISURE). Therefore, the restrictions will be different depending on the band assigned to each region. The subdivision foresees a green band, in which general national restrictions are applied, an orange band, considered high risk, with additional restrictive measures and finally a red band, the so-called severe risk, for which a confinement will preside although with somewhat less strict measures than last spring. The Vice Minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri explained that “the red or orange areas are definitions that can be modulated in the coming weeks” (UPDATES – SPECIAL).
Possible regions in the red zone
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Pending bureaucracy, the possible areas included in the red zone are Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, South Tyrol and Calabria: the most restrictive measures are provided here as the red band is considered to be the one with the highest risk. . For these areas there is a two-week lockdown with a travel ban, shops closed and physical activity only close to home. In the specific case of movements, those “within the same territories” are also prohibited, therefore at the municipal and provincial level. You can leave home only for “proven work needs or situations of need or for health reasons”, as well as for all those trips “strictly necessary” to accompany the children to school. For schools, distance education is also offered for second and third grade students. Instead, “industries, crafts, construction and services” remain open, as well as hairdressers. Pierpaolo Sileri intervened on the criteria to define the red zone and on the attribution of some regions to this band: “Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria? Isn’t it likely that regions with these data can change their situation in a few days and go down to numbers different? It is clear that it is the regions that suffer the most ”.
Possible regions in the orange zone
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As for the regions considered with a slightly lower risk and, therefore, included in the orange zone, they should be: Liguria, Veneto, Campania and Puglia. Here the restrictive interventions will be less harsh but closures of some activities, limitations to mobility in certain municipalities and provinces and the closure of schools and universities are still foreseen depending on the epidemiological situation.
Possible regions in the green zone
All the other regions, therefore, should be included in the third band, the one with the lowest risk and considered the green zone. Here the national provisions will apply, namely: distance education for secondary schools, prohibition of leaving the house from 10 pm to 5 am and closing of all activities at night, stop for museums, closing of shopping centers on weekends weekdays, total closure for bingo halls and betting centers. In addition, competitions are suspended, smart work is strongly recommended, and the maximum local transport capacity, from buses to regional trains, is reduced to 50%.