Positive student with symptoms. But his doctor: “You are negative, you are …


Being positive for the coronavirus and having your doctor tell you: “You are negative, don’t worry.” All while clearly manifesting everything Covid-19 symptoms.

This is what happened in the last few days to a university student and volunteer of a relief association of Verona. A serious event, not so much because of human error itself, but because it was corrected only thanks to the young woman’s tenacity and the fact that there are other similar cases.

How could this happen? Let’s go in order: the girl wakes up on Thursday, November 5 with a high fever and headache, calls the family doctor who advises her to get a tampon immediately. Then she and her partners undergo the rapid test the same day but, while the rest of the family is negative, for her the answer is positivity and then the molecular buffer is immediately prepared, so you have to wait for the result. Then, she immediately goes into solitary confinement in an apartment she owns, along with her boyfriend, while her brother and mother are quarantined in another house.

Five days later, the young woman shows a slight deterioration and then call the doctor know what to do and that’s where the unexpected happens. “I had a cough and a strange pain in my shoulder blade,” says the girl, “so I called him and during the phone call the doctor told me that the result of the molecular swab was negative. Happy and incredulous, however, I was worried about the symptoms that contrasted with what the doctor said, so I decided access the health database review the report directly in my digital dossier and there the surprise: it was not true that I was negative, but positive ».

And he continues: “The absurdity is that even during the next phone call, the doctor was still sure of my negativity, so much so that I asked him to send me the photo of the screen he saw on his PC.” And if it is true that the screen shown by the doctor is ambiguous, because it shows the words “negative” and “infected” side by side, the official report from the Verona hospital, downloaded by the girl, is very clear. and reports positivity to the virus.

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“I think the doctor did not open the system correctly or this not easy to navigate, but from what I could see maybe you didn’t open the PDF attachments to make sure of the result. Whatever the motivation, I, according to him, could have gone out and maybe infected relatives. I find it very serious. The girl wrote and called the URP to report the situation, but has not yet received official responses.

Meanwhile, two days later, the doctor called her to tell her that there was a mistake and that, indeed, as she had pointed out, she is still positive and therefore should avoid contact with other people. I hope that the Ulss will intervene to verify if there are other cases like mine and above all that general practitioners are taught, perhaps those less trained with technology and on whom all the responsibilities of positive patients fall, such as accessing the reports without encountering read errors. Maybe even theorder of doctors You can come forward to request an improvement in the visualization of such data that avoids similar events.
